
Can't make friends!?!? 10 points new info EDITED?

by Guest33204  |  earlier

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Hi every time I try talking to someone, they look at me like I have 2 heads! ( or something) I'm polite when I talk, I try to dress nicely. I was home-schooled so no friends in school. allot of times I think people are SCARED of me!

I say that because they usually back away and leave. I don't try to scare people. I'm 17 and 6'4 so a tower over most people. I'm naturally very strong, and I have hurt people from time to time by accident. I'm tired of being an outsider any suggestions?

I'm a nice guy =)

I don't really like basket ball =|

AND I STUTTER SOMETIMES WHEN I TALK so I don't start conversations

thanks again




  1. Well 1 Q for you

    what kind of stuff do you like to do?

    The best thing you really can do is get some confidence in your self and Try to talk to people.

    I know how it feels to be the outsider ive gone to 6 differnt schools last year.

    Be your self. Do what you like to do and dont worry what other people think because once they realize that you are a nice guy then you will get friends in no time.

    [[dont forget to smile to that helps]] if you dont want to scare people

  2. Just be your self...It doesn't matter what others think of you. Trust me you will end up making friends in the end. Try getting involved in sports, or drama, or an after school club. I really hurt for you, and I hope you can make some friends.

    P.S. Are you only trying to talk to one group of kids, cause that one group might just be exclusive....

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