
Can't my friend get a boyfriend because her parents dead?

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we're 16 and my friends parents tragically died last year in a car accident and now she's living at her aunts and her grand parents are also dead. anywya we live in a small town and everybody knows about the tragidy. and she has become happier agaiin and she's pretty and evrything nice and everything. but do guys have something against it maybe it and think that it's weird and dpn't want anything to do with her because of that?




  1. Good day.I just want to use this means to talk about a good news to the entire world on how i got my husband back.I was going crazy, mad and confuse. when my husband left me for another woman last month,But when i met a friend that introduce me to High priest ozigididon the great messenger to the oracle that he serve,I narrated my problem to High priest ozigididon about how my ex love left me and also how i needed to get a job in a dream company.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After it was been done,In the next 24 hours, My ex called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me before now, my lovely husband called me to be pleading for forgiveness,I was called for interview in the company were i needed to work as a senior officer..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to the entire world to contact His highness High priest ozigididon at the following email address and get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct on: and get your problems solve like me.

  2. it may not be ur friend it may be the guys. sometimes guys just don't know how to handle a girl who has lost her parents and even if they did the subject would more than likely come up in the future and then what would he say to her??? maybe she could find someone else that really understands her and i don't mean that in a mean way just saying that someone that has lost someone might understand her a little better than someone who hasn't hope i helped good luck :)

  3. It may be that everyone suspects that she's got emotional baggage. It's not her fault, and it perfectly normal, but it may not be something that anyone at your age is willing to put themselves through.

    A mature guy wouldn't hold that against her. However, it's a small town...I grew up in a town of 800 or so, and I know what it's like to have everyone in eachother's business all the time. It may be that the guys in your town are immature, or it may just be that they don't know how to act around her (um...NORMAL, hello? *laughs*) since she's been through something that I highly doubt any of them have.

    I really hope that this situation doesn't effect her self-esteem. It may be that because of the smalltown vibe and whatnot mixed with her parents dying that she doesn't get a boyfriend.

    That's where her friends need to step in. Don't baby her, don't coddle her or anything, but make a little extra effort to be there for her, and be a little more willing to drop what you're doing if she needs a friend or something.

    With luck, when you're a little older she'll get out of the small town and begin to experience more, and interact with other people that don't know her life's history.

    People in small towns (at least, in my old small town) care for eachother, even if they don't get along. Having someone you care for (even if you're not that well acquainted, they're still a familiar face in the community) be in such pain and go through such a traumatic experience can make it really hard to communicate with them, especially if you weren't close to being with.

    When she gets around new people, it will be much easier for those new people to accept her situation since they didn't grow up around her. It just works like that, not sure why. Tell her not to lose heart!

    I hope everything goes well - she's lucky to have concerned friends!

  4. I don't see why that would affect how guy's treat her or see her. If that happened to a guy I liked, it wouldn't change my opinion on him.

  5. It may not be that there's anything wrong w/your friend or even the majority of the guys in your small town. It is hard to help a friend that's been though a traumatic event like losing their parents let alone a perfect stranger. Maybe the people around town aren't sure how to act around her bc they don't want to upset her. It could help if she got out more and showed everyone that nothing's going to keep her down long and that she's a normal teen like them. I think it's hard enough dating as a teen w/out everyone in town knowing your business. Try to be there for her. Some girls who have there parents don't get a date til they are much older.

  6. Guys don't like baggage and that is some big baggage. They may feel like they aren't exactly sure how to treat her, and they are probably scared that she might want to talk about it. I don't if you have noticed, but guys that age arenot so good with feelings

  7. I don't think 16 year old males are sensitive enough to think of the baggage deceased parents would cause. Maybe she is just quiet and this isnt the right time for her.

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