
Can't open McAffee -Help!!?

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All of a sudden my Mcaffee decided it does not want to be opened. I also have an Icon in lower Right toolbar that states "McAffee Security Center: Your computer is not protected" How am I supposed to fix this "Not protected" when I can't open McAffee to fix it. First time ever having this problem. I have rebooted/shutdown/run spyware programs/etc.

Please - any help out there would be appreciated"

In the meantime, am I safe to go online/open emails?

Thanks !!!!!




  1. do two free online scans:

    these scans take time & remove what they find for free.

    am I safe to go online/open emails - unknown until we know what the problem is.

  2. Sly_Old_Mole is probably the one to follow but before you do....are you sure your McAfee subscription is not out of date?

    Also, if you right click on the icon in the right hand corner you could click for updates and also click for verify subscription.

    You could try this before you follow Mr Moles advice.

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