I had this dream that I just woke up from a nap. I could hear the TV from my living room --- My roommate was probably watching tv. But my eyes can't open. I feel as if I'm frozen, and though I know I want to open my eyes I can't get them to open and I can't seem to move my body. "I know! I'll dream I am falling asleep to wake up!" I say. (I've read that when one lucid dreams, if they fall asleep in their lucid dreams they wake up) but I realize at the time I cannot see any dream--- I only see black. I then begin to plan maneuvering myself to get off the bed and feel my way to the living room. That way my roommate can help me get to the doctors to help open my eyes.
Then I really woke up from my nap.
This is not the first time I've had dreams of the sort (when I can't open my eyes), so what does it mean?