
Can't pay for Dream Wedding game w/ credit card. Why?

by Guest62484  |  earlier

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tried several times to pay for Dream Wedding with my credit card. At the end when it comes to paying I get a message that it can't be done at this time and to contact customer service. This happened several times yesterday and twice today. How come?




  1. Contact first your credit card company to ensure your balance is ok, then call the games customer service to try to pay directly.

  2. You could have bumped up against your credit limit.  Being late with a payment may also affect your ability to charge more on the card.  Being able to charge and not able to charge might depend on the amount.  You might still be able to charge smaller amounts but not the larger ones.  Threre are other reasons as well.  Obviously a wedding isn't a normal spending situation.  They just might want to know it you that's doing the spending.  Call and see.

  3. We don't know. Maybe you should try contacting Customer Service.

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