
Can't pick a thing to eat... I am pregnant and don't know what I can have????

by Guest67041  |  earlier

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Can I eat shrimp during pregnancy???

I was considering going to Olive Garden today and can't figure out what I can and can't eat... Is shrimp okay???

I was looking at the Chicken & Shrimp carbonara, but don't know if I can have shrimp.

Then I was looking at a stuffed chicken marsala... but don't know the cheeses its stuffed with.

Who knew it would be this hard to pick something to eat???




  1. pregnant women crave alot

    and you can eat pretty much anything

    stay away from caffine though

  2. Honey you are fine just dint eat any raw fish or sushi. You can have shell fish , just don't have it daily or anything. One woman answered you by saying that shell fish has the highest food poison rate, that's not why your not supposed to eat it on a daily basis. Its b/c it has traces of mercury in it. Ask your Dr. it is fine to eat it on occasion. Eat what you want these are all urban ledgens.

  3. Yes, you can have shrimp.  You can eat what ever you like and what you have taste for. Should limit fats and sodium, caffeine.  Eat vegetables, fruits, protein, carbs, well balanced diet

  4. all that sounds wonderful!!

    I want you to remember in the old days(sounding like the grandma i am)we didnt have a list of right /wrong foods.we were just told not gain to much i gained 70 pounds w my

    now i was shocked when my sister arrived w her new baby she doesnt give him poached eggsw ritz crackers every baby in the family gew up on

    no juices may cause allergies..are you serious?drs are over doing it.

    Do what makes you happy and i say go for shrimp carbonara.

    i would salad and breadsticks there and bring home the rest for dinner.enjoy!!!

  5. Borrow What to Eat When You're Expecting from your local library, it will tell you what you can't eat and why. No real need to buy it, unlike What to Expect.

    I doubt Olive Garden serves unpasteurized cheese at all. It is extremely expensive and puts the company at risk for being sued for food poisoning. Shellfish is safe, if eaten once a week or less.

  6. you shouldn't eat unpasteurized dairy products, cold lunchmeats and hotdogs, shellfish, and most soft cheeses like brie and queso fresco because you are more at risk of foodborne illness that can seriously harm the baby.  if the cheese is in a hot dish, like the chicken marsala it'll be fine because the heat kills the harmful bacteria.

  7. Pasta!Good Choice..

  8. No, no, no.  Avoid shellfish and soft white cheese!  These foods have high incidence of food-poisoning that could harm the baby. Mozzarella, parmesan, romano, asiago, provolone, and white cheddar are ok, but avoid swiss, gruyere, brie, camembert, and blue cheese.

    No shellfish.  Shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, oysters, mussels, scallops, prawns, crawfish...  Red meat, fish, eggs, and poultry should be cooked all the way through!  No raw sushi for you!

    Fish is great, very good for you, order tuna steak or salmon, trout...  There are a lot of good choices.  If you order pasta with cream or alfredo sauce you'll be fine, those cheeses aren't on your list.  Pizza is ok too.  

    Remember, cut down on caffeine, no alcohol, reduce sugar, and eat more lean protein.

    Hope that helps!

  9. when we are pregnant we have all different types of cravings..... if it sounds good to you... eat it...... there is nothing you can't eat that you wouldn't normally eat.......

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