
Can't put on weight?

by  |  earlier

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I am very skinny but I am finding it impossible to put on weight. Nothing I do works, I eat plenty of food under a controlled diet, I've tried working out and nothing works at all. What should I do? Could there be another underlying problem?




  1. I found this question super interesting- i can't seem to LOSE weight! So i google'd...

    okay i can't figure out why, but here's some advice on putting it on:

    First, start with Healthy Body Calculator to determine how many calories you need to gain 1 or 2 pounds per week. Then using Your Nutrition Facts as a guide, write down how much and what foods you eat so you know whether or not you are eating enough food.

    Generally to gain weight, you need more of everything, more meat, milk, starches, fruits and vegetables. Temper all this with some added fats, oils and sweets. You can use the Food Guide Pyramid as a guide to the number of servings. The basic guide contains 2000 - 2500 calories. You might also want to include 2 or 3 snacks between meals since you will probably feel full after larger meals.

    Stress causes some persons to lose, others to gain. exercise is a great stress reducer. Next stressor comes along, exercise regularly.

  2. your metabolism is very fast so it :burns: the food you eat faster.

    While growing up you will see that your metabolism will lower and at some point you will be able to put on weight normally. Well...normally...i mean the way you want because i dont think that this is abnormal if you mention that other people struggle for the opposite thing to loose weight because their metabolism is very low.

    Anyway , there are some things you could do that i think will work .

    You should eat a lot of nuts , yogurt , 2 glasses of milk , cheese and a loooot of butter every day . Also there is a good product called " fortimel"   from nutricia that will make your goal easier. It comes in strawberry and chocolate. Don't exercise a lot because your organism will burn more calories.

    gd luck

    : ) cheers

  3. i cant put on weight either...dont worry bout it. maybe ur just meant to be slim.  

  4. yes. your matabolism could be too fast. and you can get pillsfor that. but eatting lots of carb, and trying to build up arm and leg muscle should also help, because muscle outweighs fat
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