
Can't republish on Yahoo Sitebuilder, "No Index page listed"?

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Ok, my main problem is that I can't update my site.

I redid the back ground design.

I admit that I have many pages, but they are all named differently. All my old pages are names "OPwhatever.html" while the new designs are all "whatever.html". I guess I am basically afraid to delete my Old Pages, so I just renamed them.

BUT I only have 1 page listed as index.html. As I publish, I see "index.html" come up in the status bars, but at the end of the 3-4 minutes, I get an error message that I don't have an Index page. I select "publish anyway" and I just get my old page. The old "Home" page is there, but I had renamed it "OPhome.html" -- not even "OPindex.html". It just doesn't seem to want to publish the new home page which is named "index.html".

Any suggestions?

(I am on a Dell Dimension 4500S, XP, YS 2.3.1, T1 connection.)




  1. If I understand you right, you renamed your index page?  You can't do that.  It must remain index.html.  Now, if you want people to see a title for that page instead of the file name, click on any empty space on your page, click on Properties, type in the title you want in the top box.  Click ok, and you should be set.

    If this doesn't work, go to my profile page and email me.

    Hi!  I have a huge web site of some 60 main pages,

    plus a photo gallery of 300+ thumbnail photos and

    their enlargements.  I've been working with

    SiteBuilder for 16 months and I've run across a whole

    lot of problems that I have fixed, including

    publishing problesm, so it's a matter of working

    through them until we get you fixed up, I hope.

    First off, when you publish a whole bunch of modified

    files, sometimes, SiteBuilder, for some reason or

    other, does not publish all of them.  What you do, is

    go baack to the page and do something on it, anything

    that will make it a modified file, because if you

    don't, sitebuilder will not recognize it as modified

    even if it didn't publish the last time. (eye roll) So

    do something on it and then publish.

    If that doesn't work.  Restart your computer, which

    fixes a lot of problems.

    You say "the old website."  Does that mean you opened

    a new site, and created a new version of the old

    website?  This gives you two websites, as far as

    sitebuilder goes.  Are you with me?

    If the right website is under a different ID and/or

    password: click File and scroll down and click Change

    User, then sign in the id that will change you to the

    correct site.

    Click Publish.

    Hi!  I have a huge web site of some 60 main pages,

    plus a photo gallery of 300+ thumbnail photos and

    their enlargements.  I've been working with

    SiteBuilder for 16 months and I've run across a whole

    lot of problems that I have fixed, including

    publishing problesm, so it's a matter of working

    through them until we get you fixed up, I hope.

    You say "the old website."  Does that mean you went to

    sitebuilder, opened a new site, and created a new

    version of the old website?  This gives you two

    websites, as far as sitebuilder goes.  Are you with


    Ok.  After you click Publish and sign in, a long

    window pops up where you can choose to publish only

    modified files, or the whole site.  You will see

    "Publish to" and an address.  Is the address on there

    the one you want published?  If not, look at the pane

    above it, click Browse, and click on the correct site.

    And click OK (if there is an ok, I can't remember.)

    Make double sure the correct addy is listed beside

    Publish to, then proceed to publish.

    If this doesn't work, uninstall sitebuilder.  (Your

    site will not be deleted).  First go to your

    add/remove page and uninstall Java Runtime.  Then go

    to your Computer, click on C docs, click on Programs,

    click on Uninstall sitebuilder.  Restart your

    computer.  Go to the SiteBuilder page

    and download sitebuilder.  Java Runtime will

    automatically be downloaded with it.  Once you have

    finished reinstalling sitebuilder and you are back on,

    immediately increase your memory.  Click on T00ls,

    see the memory box and the up and down arrows?

    Increase your membory all the way up to 517.  Click

    Ok, then do something on that page to make it

    modified, publish.  And hopefully you will be fixed


    Using and Publishing SiteBuilder eats up memory.  And

    there may be an application on your computer that is

    interfering. This happened to me and I uninstalled the

    Weather software.  That helped.

    If none of this works, you may need to email yahoo.

    But you may email me again and any time in future when

    you have problems with sitebuilder.  My email address


    Good luck.

  2. Instead of just publishing as updated files only, try publish all.

    Your error may be because you really do not have an index.html located in the main directory. Using the 2.3.1 version of SiteBuilder, there should be an "index.html (home page)" file.

    If you are using a navigational bar, you'll need to fix it, the best way is to just make a new one with the new links.

    If you want to just rename your files for backing up purposes, you should just copy the directory where you installed sitebuilder for example C:\Program Files\Yahoo SiteBuilder\sites\YourSiteName and copy your folder and have it saved somewhere else (say within my documents or on an external device). If you copied it somewhere else, delete all the old stuff out within the main folder so you'll only have the new files.

    THE FIX:

    Do the above; copy YourSiteName to somewhere safe so you have a backup. Within YourSiteName, copy all the files you really need; copy only the files you want published on your website and include the site.xml. Do not worry about the folders named sitebuilder or any other folders you did not create on your own; just copy the needed folders and files you want to have published and copy the site.xml

    Make a new folder within C:\Program Files\Yahoo SiteBuilder\sites\ and paste all your files into the new folder. Now restart sitebuilder and choose open new site or open site and open the new folder you just created.

    After it loads, try publish all. If you still get errors, you may need to delete your site through your yahoo smallbusiness account. It is easier to do this by using an ftp program like filezilla, which is free. If you do not want to delete your site, using filezilla, you can create a folder and drag and drop all files into that folder.

    After the site is cleared either deleted or moved to a folder, try publish all again. It should go through, if not, you have a good chance the error is contained within your html files you created and you may need to rebuild your site by starting from scratch.

    This is easy if you know how to use little tricks and short cuts. If you have a design and the background colors and all that set, save all by renaming the html files and copy and paste the contents from your backup folder you made.


    You may have two index files within the home page... i doubt this but having say a index.php and an index.html in the same directory will also cause problems. Even index.htm and index.html, the site may not understand what you want it to do.

  3. did you choose publish "all files"?

  4. You have to have your home page named Index.html, if you do not want old home page as index.html rename to anything you want such as ophome.html, but you will have to create and publish a new page or rename any other page in your site as index.html for web site to publish correctly. You will see a page in your site content pane named index.html (home page), if not listed site will not publish correctly. Also do not use your web site file manager/web hosting control panel to make changes or upload files as this will cause problems publishing in future using local site builder to publish.

    Hope this helps.

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