
Can't see photos on my computer in order to upload to Yahoo Group.?

by  |  earlier

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I have Windows XP and all of the sudden (this was not a problem yesterday) I can no longer see any of my picture folders on my own computer when attempting to upload to my Yahoo Group. I have restarted my computer several times and this has not solved the problem. Using MY COMPUTER, I can see all of MY PICTURES and all of my photo sub folders on my computer - but cannot see MY PICTURES or any of my photo subfolders when attempting to upload. I an however, see all of my other documents, etc from the Yahoo Group BROWSER window, just not any of my photo folders. By the way - yes, all of my photos are JPEG and this was not a problem previously. What is going on? Any suggestions?






  1. I'd create a new folder on your desk top- copy and paste the photo's into there, and try again browsing to that folder than where ever you have them located at. maybe for some reason you have a security block or something.

    I also have XP and I am not experiencing this, I also tried browsing a few folders and I can upload from any I look in.

    there is possibly a yahoo glitch, many have posted issues with uploading to photo's so just in case, here's the form

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