
Can't send faxes to older models?

by  |  earlier

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I have a Dell 3115 Fax/Print/Scan machine...or well, the company I work for does, and I get the joy of figuring out why we can't send faxes to some people. We've had the board replaced a few times, and before the front office people say some technician changed the settings to be more universal on this machine. But, then we had to replace the board again (you seee how reliable these machines are...n't.)

So, I ask you, Y!A community, if anyone could help me figure out just where I could find the settings I could change to make our fax machine more compatible with other faxes?

Or, if it doesn't make sense at all and the guy who says he made things more universal was just making things up...either way.

All input is greatly appreciated!





  1. Why would you want to, dude? Send 'em to the younger, bikini-clad ones!

  2. There are different classes of faxes. Make sure it is set to communicate with both class 1 and class 2 faxes.

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