
Can't sleep, please help!!!?

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Whats a good way to fall asleep faster without taking pills, It usually takes me 1 1/2 to fall asleep, what do you all do if you cant sleep

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  1. Watch the caffeine in cola soda.

  2. i think you meant 1 1/2 well i usually fall asleep fast like within 5 minutes lol, but when i cant fall asleep, i turn on the tv to something boring and then i watch it while laying down and then eventually i fall asleep. i guess you can also try and do different things to find a way that makes you fall asleep: maybe read a book, turn on relaxing music, watch tv, etc.  

  3. well i had basically the same problem...

    but i did learn you should try to wear socks

    to bed cause your temperature drops at night.

    try no liquids close to bed time soo you dont

    feel the need to wake up in the middle of the night.

    hope i helped somewhat....

  4. i usually try and listen to a cd download like so its gently playing in your ear, but only that playing, then close your eyes and softly sing to it in your head, try that it usually works for me, but make sure its like a soft song or something gentle. hope this helps

  5. usually really soft of gentle music.

  6. a good sleep for me is i shut off all lights and and nothing to hear.

  7. Cuddle with a soft teddy bear.

  8. this may sound silly but its a good way to relax your body.

    lie down and start saying to yourself, "toes go to sleep, toes go to sleep"

    and then move to your foot and say "foot go to sleep,foot go to sleep" after a while you will start to relax and drift off. Also doing this with soft soothing music will help.

  9. when i cant sleep i will listen to my ipod most of the time. but something i also do that helpes me sleep is if i just lay there in the dark make sure im comfortable and close my eyes and think about either something coming up i cant wait for or something that recently happened that mad me so happy,u will just drift into sleep. its pretty cool. also dnt drink or eat caffine or sugary things befor bed becuase it will be harder to go to bed. also dont run around of get ur heart pumping befor u go to bed or it will also make it harder cause your body is hyped up. good luck and i hope i helped!:)

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