
Can't sleep, too scared!?

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I'm 14 years old, and lately ALMOST every single night I can't get ot sleep, and I keep imagining HORRIBLE things, and its really scary, and I keep seeing an image of someone outside my door, and It just started during the day too, I was in my room looking at my neighbours house, and imagined a girl. and I always have to drag one of my parents in the middle of the night to come and sleep with me, WHAT SHOULD I DO? HELP. please don't scare me.




  1. To close your eyes is hard at first,Try leaving a light on,Most likely the image will go away.Always try a different room  ,It changes the way you feel.

  2. that's crazy i used to have the same exact problem! like, exactly the same except for the whole neighbors house girl thing.  

    anyway, i see a therapist who talked to me about what i was scared of and why. it's sometimes really hard to crack down the reasons why you are scared, so what i did was i found other ways around it.  i realized that if i wasn't awake, i wouldn't be thinking scary thoughts. so i started taking this stuff called Melatonin I'm not exactly sure what it is but all i know is its natural and good and its not a hardcore medication that will totally knock you out, it just promotes sleep. i dunno, google it or something maybe it will work for you, they sell it at like drugstores and stuff. good luck!! =]

  3. You can try to psych yourself out of it. I mean logically if someone were there, whether they are real or imagined, they cannot hurt you with your parents nearby. So, if you can get over the fear long enough to think logically, just keep telling yourself that no matter what you are seeing, nothing can hurt you, so it doesn't matter what you see.

  4. hmmmmm sounds like me about a year ago, at night i would cry cuz i thought somwone was going to kill me and i'd always imagine bad things and be scared, and everytime i closed my eyes i imagined being killed by something, i wud get heavily depressed at night and i wud ask my mum to sleep with her........i know what your dealing with.

    well these were the things i did

    1). i brought in my 3 dogs in my room, for the intruder i thought wud come through my window....

    2). pray.....just pray...nothing happens without god letting it.

    3). when u go to sleep play some music softly and ask your mom to check on you to turn it off when your sleeping.

    4). ask your mom to come in at 12 and make sure ur not being attacked

    5). for me this happened after something happened to me, so a psychiatrist was very helpful, try talking to a school counselor or ask your mom about a real one

    6). before going to bed check every single window and door....this helped me alot actually.

    7). see about an alarm system, my mum did this and i felt really safe.

    8).if u can't do music, try the tv when u sleep, i still do that, right when i'm really tired i turn on the tv to disney cuz its a kids channel and i kno nuthin scary will come on and i hop in the bed and go to sleep.

    9). i'm not tryin to like convert you or nuttin, but before you go to sleep, ask god to protect you from satan....i dnt kno wat religion you are, or if ur religious, but try it...god helps in ur time of need.

    10).DON'T USE A NIGHT LIGHT!!!! please dnt use one cuz i used one when i was going through this and it made things much worse, cuz of the shadows and the weird glow of the light, i mean i dnt kno if u use one already and if it helps, but if ur not using one, dnt.

    11). exersise for about an hour, take a warm shower, then go to bed, u will be nice and tired.

    12). i still do this one actually, in the middle of the night i check like out side my window and stuff lolz these "episodes" happened over a year ago and i still feel uncomfortable sleeping the day mine wasn't bad but sometimes it was just depended on how i felt.

    plz try these things i've been through it and its totally weird and i dnt kno why, more than like its like when ur going through something stressful or something, which is wat happened to me...

    i dnt know if this will help u, these helped me during that, time but of course as you well know, you never feel completely safe. no matter wat u do a part of you is till worried and glancing everynow and then at the closet knowing a killer will jumpout any second, or someone might climb through the windo or anything willhappen, u will always have a little fear......i am letting you know this, until this wat ever this is , is completely over, ur alwayz gonna be alittle scared,are you ready for that? i jus wanted to let you know that, u gotta be really strong,cuz fear can make u insane and it affects ur life if ur make this go away faster, a psychiatrist will work wonders!

    in reality there is nutteen out there trying to kill u or harm u, but our minds are strong to make us believe otherwise........think about it this way, if our mind can make us think someone is there, then it can also make us not think some one is here.

    i never told my mom about these things, but i think you shud tell urz, i was 14 when this happened, i'm now 16, so  yea i guess two years...

    good luck and keep telling yourself that ur safe and no one is there.

  5. First off, you need a nightlight or my favorite is the touch lamp!  I love them, just roll over and touch it anyplace and you have light.  Plus it has three settings, keep hitting and it gets progressively more light.  Buy them at walmart, target or even ebay.

    Second, what about sleeping with the tv on, like the cartoon network, where you hear spongebob and kid's shows all night.  Or the radio. People never feel alone with the radio on, but it needs to be adult contemporary music.  

    Also, you need a small fan.  You lay alone and hear any teeny noise, and wonder "What's that"?  If you get a little fan, you will never hear any more noises and you should be just fine.  

  6. ok this may sound lame but try imagining happy things. I like to imagine that I'm like in a mall and I could buy anything I wanted( keeps my mind occupied). Or you could think of an event you're looking forward to in the future( a dance, a date, a party, ect.) or you could always think about your crush( kinda lame) but can take your mind off things:)          hope this helps!

  7. d**n kid you sleep with you parents at 14? If your always scared of a dude breaking in you could always just keep a knife nearby. I'm not afraid of any burglars, yet I still keep a ka bar near just in case. It helps me relax a bit. Call me paraniod

  8. First, concentrate on breathing normally. That will slow your heart rate and make it easier to think rationally. Think about other things. FORCE yourself to think of other things. Like how on the weekend you're going to the movies with all your friends. And give yourself a mental review of your day (like go through your entire day thinking stuff like oh, I should have said this, or this would have been funny, that kinda stuff). It might help if during the day you take up meditation, to help calm yourself down. Or at least just sit in your room, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing and nothing else. If you do start to think of other things, stop, concentrate, and start over. Also realize that nobody is coming to get you or anything, you're imagination is just getting the best of you. Leave your door open at night, so you'll see that there isn't anyone there.

  9. Maybe you should go to sleep in your parents room, or maybe you should start sleeping when your parents are awake.  That happened to me and I used to keep on entering to my parents room and didn't let anybody sleep.  i still have that, but it's getting better.  Maybe it's your nerves .  Go to and take their quiz.  to see if you can't sleep because of lack of exercise or something else.  Good luck.

  10. It's a stage you will overcome soon. That also happens to me ever so often. Just dink some water before you go to bed and close your eyes and think of a bunch of sweet things, like stuff you like and relax. It will go away if you just don't think about it.    

  11. You may need to talk to a Professional about this, get your parents to take you to the doctor and suggest that you see a Therapist or something, because this is not normal.

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