
Can't sleep at night. What works?

by Guest62224  |  earlier

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I've tried, Good Nites, Tylenol PM, Slepinal and a few others. Most of them are 1 or 2 dosage pills. I usually have to take at least 3 for a slight effect every night. If I don't take it one night, I'm literally up for hours. I can't take just one or two every week or month. I'm not addicted and I don't feel like I need them to sleep but it's really effecting my life with my insomnia. I'm 16 and I have no health insurance so I can't get prescribed anything. I just don't know what to do.

Is there any kind of pill out there (preferably non-addctive because I'm going to be taking them every night due to school) that is effective at a low dose? I tried changing it up but it's like I'm immune to everything I've tried. . .




  1. sorry i have that same problem.i am 13 and also have no health insurance so i try to keep it pills or anything.for me i have to be totally comfortable and it has to be PITCH BLACK.then i usually let myself unwind for a little while.after that you can either do 1 of the 2 things (i usually go with the 2nd): you can just lay there with your eyes closed and totally go into yourself and almost pretend you are dead.don't think about anything.just lay there and be still.or number 2 you can daydream.dreaming is very is a fact if you didn't dream for two weeks you would probably die.lab rats die within 2 days without for me daydreaming opens my mind to dreaming and leaves me in a really good mood the next day.just picture your self and other people in your how you would want your future to be.make it like your own movie.i really enjoy it and usually within 15 to 20 i'm asleep.sorry i can't tell you anything that will with out a doubt work.hope it works!

  2. Go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. If you stay up later one night, you will still need to wake up at the regular time. This will reset your body clock. You can't cheat, otherwise it will not work.

  3. Hi Heather

    Your going to love me. I know of a pill that only costs about 4 bucks for a month supply, works like vitamin c so its actually good for you, and available over the counter and puts you to sleep like a dream. Ok here it is, Cherry Flavored Melatonin at GNC. The sublingual kind. Trust me and try it!! Go to GNC  

  4. I had a convo about this the other day..

    Try warm milk. When a baby breastfeeds what the baby gets is mothers milk and the body temperature is warm. The milk is warm. Baby goes right to sleep! When I was younger and couldn't sleep my mom would make me warm milk. If that doesn't work try benedryl. It makes you really drowsy. Make sure you have enough time to sleep.

    Do you have a partner? My aunt was alone one night after 20 years of marriage and she said she couldn't sleep at all because it was as if she knew no one was there to protect her. If you just got out of a relationship try getting an oversized bears to sleep next to you as if it were a person.

    The news helps a lot. News programs are very melancholy. Boring voices all around and talk about stuff that isn't that interesting to most people.

    I'm in the same boat as you are. The milk and warm baths help me the most. Good luck!

  5. not too much i can tell you here, except i wonder if you do things other than sleep in your bed? a trick i learned was that if you don't do anything but sleep (or try to) in bed then your body automatically learns that once you lay down it's time for rest. you also might want to try cutting down on watching tv. did you know you actually rest less but also use less brainpower when you're watching tv then when you're sleeping? try reading a book during the hours you can't sleep.

    good luck.

    talk to your nurse at school. they might have a suggestion.

  6. If you're like me, try relaxation techniques before you go to bed. I've found that if I leave the tv on, I have an easier time falling asleep because of the background noise.

  7. Taking OTC medication can be a problem because of what you explain, your body becomes accustom to them and you can't sleep without it. First of all don't get in bed unless you're ready to sleep. Don't drink caffeine within 6 hrs of sleeping. don't excise right before bed. Read or watch television until you get sleepily and then go to bed.  Remember not being able to sleep is often a symptom of other issues. If this continues you need to see a doctor. also remember most sleeping pills are addictive. Also if you use any type of drugs during the day STOP. GOOD LUCK  

  8. Try to possess as much information as you can maybe is one option,however it is time consuming,here is the one i have ever had good experience with.

  9. No Medical  problem

    There are many Americans working that do not have medical insurance

    Go to any  city hospital

    City hospitals cannot reuse you

    Remember you will be waiting a long time to see a doctor,

    because most city hospitals are crowded

    Make an appointment

    It's called "charity"

    The government gives  hospitals money for 'charity cases"

    Immigrants get free hospitalization  etc & the US Govt pays

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