
Can't sleep depressed need help!

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I can't sleep & I am depressed. I gotta work in the morning too. I have been depressed for a long time & I'm off my antidepressants and thyroid medication. (no insurance) I need to feel better for my 8 month old son. I need to wake up with a better attitude in the morning. My husband & son are sleeping it is almost 11. I could sleep all day but I have responsibilities. I need to fill out important paperwork, clean the house and worry about finances. Why is it that life can feel so difficult and complicated for myself while it seems to be nothing but simple and easy for others. I just need to feel better any suggestions or advice I would be grateful. Please keep rude comments to yourself.




  1. The reason you can't get to sleep is because you are in a fearful and panicked mood. To get a good nights sleep, spend between an hour winding down and relaxing before going to bed, reading a book or listening to the same piece of calming music every night can help. Its important that you forget about the things you are worrying about, writing them down takes the thoughts out of your head and onto the paper, it will also give you the opportunity to get a clear look of what your worrying about. You may also need to de-clutter your mind, write down what you have achieved during the day, or tick off your achievements  from a 'to do list', these can be mundane and everyday tasks which are often the cause of most of our stress, make a new 'to do list' of what you want to achieve tomorrow, a good way to de-clutter your mind is to write down your thoughts in a diary.

    Its also important you make a wise decision in food and drink, however, don't eat too much because your body will need to stay awake half the night digesting your meal. A small amount of cheese before bed can help you to relax, however, caffeine and tobacco before bed will make relaxing much more difficult. Alcohol before bed may make you sleepy, but excessive amounts may disrupt sleep patterns, not to mention the hangover. Try hot milk or horlicks, but not too much, a full bladder can cause broken sleep. Bed time snacks can help two, milk, turkey and peanuts all conatain chemicals that help the brain to relax. So why not have a turkey and peanut butter sandwich before going to bed.

    Regularity plays a very important role in sleeping well. Try going to bed and getting up at the same time. Also having a routine at night, like havinmg a warm bath before bed, will help your brain to wind down and realize its bedtime.

    When you do go to bed, make sure your room is not too warm, not too cold and as dark and quite as possible. If you find yourself still not going to sleep, get up and read until you get tired again, instead of lying there worrying. Your bedroom should be a place for sleeping only, not working, it will help if you get rid of anything work related in your bedroom, and you should'nt work right before the moment you go to bed, allow your brain to switch off for an hour. You should also have a comfortable bed, your matress should be turned over every few months and replaced every ten years. When you are in bed, your head and neck should be roughly straight, if you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees, if you sleep on your back, place a pillow under your knees. Sleeping on your front is not reccomended, head and neck are twisted on this position which is bound to give you akes and pains.

    Exercise throughout the day can help, but avoid exercise before bed. Just light stretching such as yoga and medition can help relax before bed.

    Good luck. :)

  2. oh sweety i'm so sorry!! i think that what you need to do is go to a therapist or psychiatrist because you sound really depressed.. you can also email me since i'm training to be a psychologist and i have helpd many depressed people!! so please email me since i need practice anyway!

  3. Depression is hard to deal with. I would suggest just talking to your husband about it. Life is hard for allot of people and you just need to remember that things will get better. Don't lose hope. Sometimes just stop for a second and take a deep breath. If you need to feel free to contact me. I wish you all the best.  

  4. try taking  a day off and tell your husband how you feel but most importantly try to figure out whats bothering you and talk about it. i promise if you let it out you will feel better. also look at all the good things in your life and remember the good times. it will cheer you up. remember  that when your down think of your kid and things will get better.

  5. take a day off of work and spend it with your family :)

    it will make you feel a lot better, just make sure you don't worry about everything else that is going on; like work.

    just go with the flow and have a good time plus you'll release a lot of stress and it'll be easier to sleep at night.

    as far as all your work is concerned, i suggest that you set times to do it.

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