
Can't sleep from last night's dream.. help?

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So I dreamed that I was running away from this guy who had a knife. Then I fell and laid on the ground because I was in a dark field with tall grass. But then when I was laying down I felt the knife go through me. And my mind told myself that It was just a dream but I could honestly feel the pain. I kept dreaming an in my dream I would "wake up" but that's normal for me.

So I was just wondering if anyone would tell me what it means or help me deal with it. It would be greatly appreciated.





  1. Dreaming that you are being chased means that you are running from a situation that you think is unresolvable. It can also be a form of insecurity.

    Dreaming that you have been stabbed means you struggle with power. You may feel inadequate or defensive in your waking life. Think also of the phrase "being stabbed in the back" may also feel betrayed by someone.  

  2. eek, im sorry :(

    when your running away rom someone in a dream, it means your running away from problems, or your insecure. i read it in a magazine. when i have scary thoughts/dreams, i think of the person in the dream in like undies or embarassing clothing :P it works for me. if you are religious then pray before you go to sleep that you have good dreams. im not a dream expert, sorry.

    night night!

  3. That sucks! But remember that you will most likely not have that dream again!

    Just go to bed and try and think of something happy before you go to sleep!

    There is probably a deeper meaning to this dream, you can look on for one of thoes dream diaries

  4. o that is really scary

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