
Can't sleep please help me?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't been able to sleep for the past week. Due to back pains...i feels like growing pains so i thought that at first but for a whole week. I was doing back flips in the water with curved back... but i do those all the time. all i want is some sleep. i do ice and heat but the pain doesn't hurt until i am lieing it bed. what should i do. ( i crack my back and it feels like i have a crack waiting to be cracked but it wont come out [dont say U SHOULDNT CRACK UR BACK because i dont care])




  1. relax yourself, drink a glass of hot milk 1hour before sleep, or get up to do other things

  2. Depending on how physically active you are it could be pulled or strained muscles.  The muscles in your back  heal very slow compared to others because you used them so much.  If it is hurting enough to keep you awake then I would go to a doctor.  And judging by the way you describe it being a crack that won't crack it may not be muscles at all but bones alignment and all that good stuff.

  3. Try going to sleep or something.

  4. Try a chiropractor. Quit doing back flips. Use Ben-g*y ointment or equivalent. Quit cracking back.

  5. It sounds to me that you have back pain that is interrupting your ability to sleep. You can try taking some over-the-counter pain medication such as motrin or tylenol. Avoid pain medicine that has caffeine like Excedrin.

    Not sleeping for a week is extremely unhealthy and you should really seek professional help from a doctor or chiropractor.

    Start to practice good sleep hygiene at an early age to avoid sleeping problems later in life. I hope this helps.

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