
Can't stop Quiz from popping up. ?

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I keep getting a web site called popping up on my computer. I have run SpyBot and AVG as well as using a pop up blocker. Any Hints? AVG has found the virus trojan horse SHeur.CCX on the last 5 scans.




  1. omg this just started happening to me, too, like four days ago. I've tried everything, including my company's IT helpdesk (it's happening on my work computer. PLEASE someone come up with something that works!  

  2. ditto the above...

    I wonder if its a new one and adaware et al. haven't updated their software yet?

  3. Try running Ad-Aware 2008 in addition to Spybot S&D.  It sometimes catches things Spybot doesn't.

    Also, if any anti-malware finds something but doesn't seem to be able to get rid of it, try running it in Safe Mode.  Safe Mode often keeps malware from protecting itself.

    Also, turn off System Restore to evict any copies of bad stuff that might be lurking there.  

    To get into Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking:

    1. Log out and reboot your machine.

    2. When the machine starts the reboot sequence, press the F8 key repeatedly.

    3. Select Safe Mode from the resulting menu.

    4. When the login screen comes up, log in as Administrator.  By default, Administrator has no password.

    5. The machine will continue booting, but the Windows desktop will look different.  

    6. When you're finished doing what you need to do, log out and reboot back into normal mode.

    Good luck.

  4. try the software at may be it can help u

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