
Can't stop gaining!! 10 points best answer!!?

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I'm 5,7 and weigh 113 pounds. This summer, well over the past month or two really I've gained 11 pounds!!! I'm getting over a slight ed and am just getting very very worried I won't be able to stop gaining! Please help! I know I'm not fat fat but I have filled out a lot and would just prefer not to gain anymore. I keep binging, I can't stop eating until I'm sick full of food. :S I'm still obsessed with food and just want to know some tips on how to stop being so obsessed.

Please help, I'm very close to panicking and start up a proper diet like I used to.




  1. your weight is a bit on the light side for your height.  If you were to start exercising you'd gain weight just from the building muscle.

    If you have an ED then talk with your therapist.  I also recommend "Intuitive Eating"  by Evelyn Trebole and Elyse Resch.

    for someone recovering from an ED, it's a bad idea to go on a diet just because the measuring and weighing that is involved with teaching people proper portion sizes has a tendency to cause you to relapse into your self destructive ways.

    Here's a radical solution.  Throw away your scale and only allow your medical doctor to weigh you.  If knowing your weight makes you obsess then don't let them tell you what it is.  Judge your fitness on how good you feel physically.  Don't allow a number on the scale to dictate your moods.  and stay in therapy until you have been declared recovered.

    Good Luck.

  2. You need to figure out why you're binging?  What are you getting out of it?  Are you depriving yourself until you can't stand it any longer and then eating everything in sight, or are you filling up some emotional hole inside?  If you would eat 3 small, healthy meals each day along with 2 small, healthy snacks, you would fuel your body and not have cravings to binge.  Drink plenty of water as that helps keep you full.  Exercise regularly because it helps your body feel "balanced" and gives you an outlet for stress and crazy urges.  Include occasional treats of your favorite foods (in small amounts) to keep yourself satisfied.  Good luck!

  3. Hello Laura,

    As I'm sure you know,  you are at the very low end of what is considered a "fit" body mass index (BMI).   I calculated 17.8 for you which is on the very low end of "fit."

    My wife is 5'4" and weighs 115.   She is normally considered quite thin although fit.

    Filling out with fat is a potential problem.   Filling out with muscle is not a problem.   You can be heavier and still be just as thin because muscle is more dense.

    I would suggest that you consider an exercise program balancing cardio and weight training exercises.   That will occupy you a bit and make you less likely to binge.   Plus you will burn off calories and make the food that you do eat stay on you a lot less.

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