
Can't stop thinking about hurting!!

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I stopped cutting awhile ago, but some things have happened and I recently started again. This time around, it is much worse, not the cuts, the urges. It seems like thats all I can think about. I know I should stop, but I really don't want to, because I have nothing to replace it with. Any advice or experience you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Just so you know, I am a 16 year old girl. I live with my mom(divorced parents). She knows, but she doesn't care and/or is too scared to say anything.I can't go to a therapist because my mom has the money.

Please no hate comments, I am depressed, not suicidal. I DON"T WANT TO KILL MYSELF!!! It just scares me that I seem to be happier when I'm cutting. Its kind of like I want to feel depressed, but I know its not normal and I should try to be happy.

I really don't know what to do!!!




  1. Maybe you feel like cutting helps you deal with your problems but over all it will hurt you in the long run I'm not a doctor but maybe you should try talking to someone who is and if they don't help stop and just try to be happy and distract yourself with music or something maybe get a boyfriend who cares and maybe he can help you.

  2. jus throw all the knives away

  3. Cutting is a form of release. Nothing suicidal. Have never been suicidal, am 32 and started when I was 18. Have never sought help, as cutting is my mental form of help. Try and talk to your school counselor to see if they can help with therapy. If not, there are many support groups that can help you.  

  4. OMG!!!!! why theheck would u wanna do somthing like that. STUPID!!!! get some help before u kill urselfv

  5. My best friend used to do that. Unfortunately, you've got to deal with the underlying issues. Why do you hurt? What started it all? People who cut themselves are usually angry at the world for one reason or another. The divorce didn't help and your Mom that doesn't seem to care much isn't a big help either. Talk to someone you trust. Get it out there and deal with the things that are making you hurt yourself. Don't punish yourself for something that you have no control over. Good luck.

  6. Go and hit your p****r real hard with a hammer, that will make your eyes water

  7. Before you cut, go outside. Out of your room, your house. Go outside. Take a deep breath. Now think about all the people you are hurting by hurting yourself. Call one of your friends that you care about and talk to them about how you feel.

  8. Seek medical advice to see what you can do about finding healthy ways to relieve yourself of the stress, rather than cutting yourself.  

    If you cut yourself to relieve stress then a medically trained counsellor, doctor or psychiatrist are the people you need to speak with.

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