
Can't swallow pills?

by  |  earlier

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im sixteen years old but i still have a horrrrible time trying to swallow pills, my gag reflexes go crazy. i have a pretty bad headache right now and i just want it to go away. what can i add a crushed up aspirin to? or any other suggestions to get the pill down would be considered too haha. thanks :]




  1. You can crush aspirin in applesauce or pudding and take it that way.  Many people have problems swallowing pills.  Maybe capsules would be easier for you.  One suggestion would be to take a pill and "hide" it in food.  But meanwhile...crush an aspirin in applesauce or pudding

  2. i have the same exact problem, i just take my medicine with something i know i cant chew, like icecream or applesauce...i usually have to down the whole "kiddy cup" of applesauce but it works!..good luck!

  3. try mashing the pill up and puting it in apple sauce.  i used to do that when i was little.  add some sugar then to sweeten it up some.

  4. apple sauce or orange juice or basically anything just make it really small and then eat it in one gulp  

  5. I didn't swallow pills until I was about your age.  My family doctor got so frustrated he gave me a photocopy of an article" "Everyone Can Swallow Pills".  It was from a medical journal.

    Basically you can try this with a kernel of popcorn or anything you like...

    Get a glass of water, a whole glass and use a straw.  Put the pill in your mouth, and start drinking a LOT of water, as much as you can through the straw and swallow.  The amount of water you swallow at a time is going to be much more volume than the pill--the pill will be swept down your throat easily.  This works regardless of where you stick the pill.

    I advanced from that to  this...

    Take a little sip of water, put the pill in your mouth and then drink a nice long drink of water.  When you swallow a spoonful of pudding, or mashed potatoes, or any soft stuff really, you don't chew it, you just swallow it.  The pill is much much smaller than your average sized swallow of food  Think of the bite mark people leave in a cheeseburger!

  6. i used to have problems swallowing pills as well. mine was a capsule and we opened it up and mixed it in a drink. u can mix it in water but that tastes pretty disgusting so i would suggest some sort of juice but nothing carbonated preferably. as for aspirin it is okay to crush it but it would be better if u put it in ur mouth and then really drank heavily to get it down. u wouldnt feel it at all i promise and dont think about it. aspirin is in a tablet form because it is supposed to be released at the rate your body needs it not all at once. if u crush it up you are giving your body too much at one time and it can stress out your liver. it isn't bad for you but if you can suck it up and swallow it i would recommend it

  7. Well to swallow a pill, u kinda have to just do it. Like hold it in ur mouth near the front and swallow really fast. If u really can't do it, you might just wanna use advil chewable tablets. They r really more for kids lol but u could take them anyways. [=

  8. nether can i

  9. it took me forever to try to swallow pills!!! i finally learned what works for me! =] if you can swallow a good amount of water then you can do it. hah

    i put the pill in my mouth, & take a big gulp of water so i swallow everything down in one second. good luck!

  10. thats how i used to be i always put the pill in apple sauce u dont even notice yur swallowin it.

  11. well i think you have a fear of choking and thats why u cant swallow them. Why don`t you experiment with skiddles or tic tacs or some other candy until you loose that fear.

  12. hey(:

    i actually had that problem up until not long ago.

    i would crush my pill up & put them in icecream & chocolate syrup.

    [kinda make a sundae] & ear it. yeah it would still have a bitter-ish taste

    but it would help looooots!

    haha then i got sick a couple of months ago & i had to take these

    meds called zithromax or something & i crushed it up & it tasted


    it was so grosss i just thought that taking the pill would be

    a wee bit better. yeah so now i just cut my pills into tiny

    little bits that i can actually swallow. its a lot of pieces but

    theyre not hard to swallow & you dont gag on them. :)

    hope this helped!

  13. just drop the pill in applesauce and swallow it like that.

  14. Just drink/eat it, btw most medications are available in a non-pilll format.

  15. you can put it in water or food.

    you should get disovling headache pills for that problem.

  16. Yes you can crush it up and just mix it with a couple ounces of water or juice. It will taste powdery but it will go down.

    My BF has this problem too. He said that when he was born, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck (according to his mom) so he has a hard time wearing turtlenecks, scarves & swallowing pills.

    Maybe this was the same for you?

  17. you coudl crush it up, but it will taste horrible. Why dont you try breaking it in half and swallowing it? Try not to think about it. You swallow bigger pieces of food everyday when you eat!
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