
Can't take life anymore!...><?

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ugh it seems like 3 months ago my life went from happy to horrible you see i fell in love with this guy who used to be my friend we went out for a week because my brothers made us break up we were in love like really badly we were like mike and ike peanut and butter mickey and minnie i havent seen him for a while and my heart hurts feel like throwing up all the time i miss his kisses his smile his hugs his voice everything!!!!! i cant take this nomore i miss him i recently hooked up with one of my exes like three or four times and everytime i end up crying i dont know what to do anymor its like ugh!! how am i supposed to move on without him he meant the world to me 1st guy i ever spent hours talking to for hours and hours second guy i told i loved and recieved an i love you back from i hate my life i find myself crying and lately ive been losing weight probly from crying so dam much !! it hurts so badly my life has all been pain starting out with my first love who hurt me more than anything and now this i hate life and love !! i hate it all i wish to die and not see any more of this thing i call a life **** LOVE i let it destroy me!!!




  1. Man

    It is your life. Your bother&#039;s opinion means nothing. You let your brother break you up. You could have listened to your brother but you are the last word in your own life. This is a learning experience. Pick yourself up and walk it off like me. My gf cheated don me. I shook her off in 30 min after a 2 plus year deal.

  2. why did you let your brothers brake you up? who cares what your brothers want this is your life do what you want!  

  3. How old are you? You went out for a week and were in love? Your brothers made you break up? This story makes no sense.

    Grow up, stand up for yourself. You are in control of your own life. Don&#039;t kill yourself over some dopey guy. I&#039;m sure you are very young. There are plenty of years to be lived sweetie.  

  4. Call him now and be with him forget your brothers!  

  5. Sweetheart, there is another waiting patiently for you.

    Don&#039;t worry and don&#039;t let him(your future love) down.

    Meanwhile, involve yourself in projects like gardening or something else that&#039;s hands on. Projects will make you feel good about yourself again. You&#039;ll always have a friend here.

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