
Can't there be government without coercion?

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Can't there be government without coercion?




  1. NO !!! No one wants to be told what to do, where to do it, when to do it, with whom to do it.  The more the Governments control people, the more suicides, vandalism, etc., there is.

    I mean, there were no riots in Watts BEFORE forced "integration".

    People want to be "free", so the Government must use coercion and/or force to get its way.

  2. I believe there can be.. Our government is founded on the principle that the people give their consent.

    We elect representatives to make laws that will keep the peace, provide a stable environment for commerce, and protect us from foreign enemies.

    In exchange, we surrender some independence. For instance, you can exercise your freedom of speech, but if you were to exercise it in a way that presented a clear and present danger to public safety, like yelling fire in a crowded theater, that would be both irresponsible and dangerous.

    We have the right, I'd even call it a duty, to keep close tabs on our legislators and other government officials to make sure they don't pass laws that will deprive us of our civil rights.

    It may seem that the government is coercive, but in fact, it's the responsibility of the voters to be aware of the actions of our government and to "vote the rascals out" if need be.

    You have a golden opportunity, with a general election coming up in less than five months. The entire House of Representatives, one third of the Senators, the President and the Cabinet  and numerous posts at the state and local level are all up for election. The actions of any of these elected representatives will be in sharper focus now than at any time in their terms.  

    So pay attention, there will be a test on November 4.

    I'm attaching a link to the text of the Constitution, it explains it all very well.

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