
Can't think of a middle name

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I am due in 6 weeks, and have yet to figure out a middle name for my soon to be son. His first name is going to be Kyler (Ky-Ler). I can't think of anything for his middle name. his fathers name is nathaniel, kyler nathaniel? does that flow well or not? any suggestions?





  1. Kyler Nathan.

    or you could do what my sister did,

    Kristy Angie(my moms name is angelina)- Marie(the dad's mom's name is MariAnne.


    Kristy Angie-Marie!

  2. i think that Kyler Nathaniel is nice. i also like Kyler Alan.

  3. That sounds fine, maybe:

    Kyler Anthony

    Kylar Luke

  4. kyler daniel is cute

  5. eh it's okay

    what about nate or daniel as a tribute

  6. Kyler Nathaniel is nice...but doesn't flow perfectly.

    Why not use a variation or  shorter version of Nathaniel.

    Kyler Nat

    Kyler Nathan

    Kyler Nate

    Kyler Neal



  7. Kyler Nathaniel is very unique and personally, I do think it flows. Plus, you can make his name special because it is a family name.

  8. Kyler nathan, Kyler anthony, Kyler Ryan, Kyler Louis are better, Congrats

  9. i think kyler nathaniel sounds good.  we couldn't think of a middle name for our son.  we ended up picking it out of a book at the hospital after he was born.  his name is tyler takoda

  10. Kyler Nathaniel is a good choice. Nathaniel has meaning to you, and it lends a more traditional feel to an incredibly trendy sort of first name.

  11. Kyler Coitus

  12. Kyler Nathenial does not sound bad to me at least, I think it would be a great name. Other suggestions (of course just pulling from my favorite baby names =]) Kyler Alan sounds really nice to me. Good luck, and congrats.

  13. Kyler Wyatt

    Kyler Cole

    Kyler Samuel

    Kyler Jaxon

    Kyler Pierce

    Kyler Logan

    Kyler Joseph

    Kyler Thomas

    Kyler David

  14. Kyler Nathaniel is okay.

    Kyler James

    Kyler William

    Kyler John

    Kyler Noah

    Kyler Neil

    Kyler Daniel

    Kyler Dean

    Kyler Elliott

  15. How about Nathaniel Kyler, or Kyler David, Kyler Dwayne, Kyler  James, or  Nathaniel Aiden Kyler? hoped these helped!  

  16. You can shorten dads and use Kyler Nate.

    Nathaniel seems a little long for a middle name.

  17. If you shorten it a bit to Kyler Nathan I think that sounds really cute!

    Good luck!

  18. Kyler Nathaniel would be cute in honor of dad.

    Here are some other middle names




    Good Luck with everything :-)

  19. I think that Nathaniel Kyler sounds better than Kyler Nathaniel.  Even if you named hime Nathaniel Kyler you could still call him Kyler.  There are a lot of people that are go by their middle names.  The only people that would know would be you and the babies dad.

  20. I think Kyler Nathaniel has an amazing flow to it. Stick with that!


  21. If your last name is one syllable, then the middle name should be one syllable. If the last name is two or more syllables, then the middle name should be two syllables, like the first name.  

  22. How about Holden?

  23. Kyler Nathaniel sounds fine.  Or maybe Kyler Nathan!

    Kyler David

    Kyler Joel

    Kyler Allen

    Kyler Matthew

    Kyler Liam

  24. I love Kyler Nathaniel....

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