
Can't understand english kid in my class?

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Okay in my class there is this really annoying english kid in my class staright from england that everyone hates you could say he's like pip from sp (he sorta look like him).

My teacher says i have to be his study partner so i have to work together with this limey. I can't understand his weird british language!!!

like 1 day wer eating lunch in the lunc room and haveing meat loaf and mashpotatos and he calls it mash or someting. and hes always getting "shirty"???

Is there somewhere i can buy a dictionary for all of his words. I'm just a fifth grader who wants to get an A in the class. plus he callin me his mate?




  1. Just ask him what he means, he'll understand if he is your ''mate''.

  2. Mash-Mash potatoes.




    Its there culture.

    You should respect it.

    Or rave on with American slang.

    Or Ebonics.

  3. I reported you for your own benefit.  Children under the age of 13 may not post on this site (or most sites).  

    You are also grossly exaggerating.  He didn't draw on the flag; he'd be in serious trouble if he did.  

    He probably thinks American English is pretty hick-like compared to Brit!

  4. Be nice,hes only new,and he doesnt know all american culture.

    And WTF are you doing on Y!answers,when your eleven.

    gosh kid,go play donkey kong and get off the computer,please,for the sake of us.

  5. Relax everybody,

    He said he was annoying,

    but he didn't say it was because he spoke weird.

    You all don't have to have some British revolution on an 11 year old kid..

    Just try to take everything in context

    and if you truelly can't figure it out ask him to explain it.

    I did the opposite and went TO England a few years ago,

    and everyone was intrigued by some of my "American" words, and asked me about them. I didn't get offended, so he probably won't either

  6. wait whats the problem. you dont like him because of his accent???.....

    maybe you should learn some of his words. mate means friend (you prob new that but were just trying to be dramatic..) and he calls mashed potatoes mash?? and...?? whats the point. hes obviously referring to the MASHed potatoes.

    just look up british slang

  7. I've been trying to think about how to answer this question without insulting you!!!!!

    Ummmmmm can't do it!!!

  8. XD

  9. why dont u ask him what all that means, tell him u r not trying to be rude. I mean u do want to communicate better, he probably doesn't understand your vocab either, he might just ask u questions too. Dont be so cocky about it he is just new

  10. Sounds like you need to develop some tolerance. In Britain they have different words for some things. Mate means friend. He will pick up on american words as well, just give him some time. You could always ask him if you have trouble understanding him. Im sure there are words that you and others say that confuse him

  11. Oh no he's calling you his Mate!?

    He's in love with you man. Don't let him near you or he'll kiss you! Once a Brit kisses you he turns you into his lover and you can't back out of it! I mean it's literally a spell you can't break!

    Run away!

  12. Lol. Get off the internet


  14. i lived in england for three years. "mate" is a cool slang word in England for 'friend'. Well, sort of. It's a compliment. Mashed Potatoes is Mash, Fries are Chips, and Chips are Crisps. Be nice!

  15. mate is like friend...y dont u just ask him?

  16. poor kid...

    It sucks to be the foreign kid...

    And you are nothing special... you are just one of the crowd...  

  17. well i can't understand you either so don't act like mr. tough guy over here... but how about we go play super mario smash brothers and get it over with

  18. I am sure he wants a good grade also.  You need to talk to him more and work through it.

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