
Can't understand this phrase! Could help?

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It'll get you in the door.




  1. In one way it can mean that something will give you the push to do something.

    another could be that it will be your first impression that will get you a job!

  2. whatever "it" is is good enough to get you noticed by someone in a high place, like if you have a really good SAT score it might put you in the eyes of someone who could get you into a college, or if you know someone at the college who could give you really good recommendation even you perhaps don't have outstanding scores or grades... (sorry, HS senior - college is all i can think about...)

  3. Another words, it will get you started.  Example: Sometimes people take a low level job at a place they really want to work at just to "get in the door".  Then they work hard, get to know people and move up the company ladder.

  4. I have no clue

    Oh... I knew that

  5. I think that is refering to taking the initiative. Or that what ever it is you are doing is the first step to get you where you need to go. Its the first step to a process.

  6. well, i've just had a quick look on google and i can't find anything

    perhaps you could post some more information:

    -what country you are from (is it a traditional phrase)

    -the context it was said in (exam, family, work)

    -who said it (someone who is young, therefore likely to be a modern phrase or someone old, more likely to be a parable etc)

    or, you could just ask the person you got the phrase off what it means  (that is assuming that you got it off a person not a exam paper etc)

    sorry that i couldn't be of more assistance


  7. normally refers to helping you get a job.

  8. ur feets

  9. It means that it will help you get a good start on something, or have a better shot at it.

    for example : In the job world, it can be very competitive. However, if you know someone who works for a succesfull company, they might be able put in a recomendation for you, which would help you "get your foot in the door".

    Does that make sense?

  10. Oh! Took me a second.  It means something will give you a minimal start, as in saying that a ticket or pass will get you in the door of a theater or club, like that.

    As in, if you want a job at the supermarket, I might say, 'OK, I know the manager. I'll introduce you to him, and that will at least get you in the door.'  With the implication that after that it's up to you!

  11. It means, It may lead to a job or an interview.

  12. it just means "I'll get you in"

    for example, if you know of a really good concert you want to go to, but can't find tickets anywhere. Or maybe there's a really hot club nearby, but when you go you stand in line for hours. If someone says they can get you in the door, it means they can get you access to the concert/club.

  13. Humm?  I think it means that it’ll give you an opportunity to do more.  It’s like submitting a resume… it’s the first step for you getting the job.  The resume will get you through the door.

  14. duh~!of course!are you gonna walk in the door with your head? or your feet?

  15. What does it pertain to?  

    Here's an example of a possible job position.  You want to be an accountant so in college you work part time at an accounting firm.  You have "your foot in the door" with that accounting firm because you've associated yourself with the firm and the association of accounting.

    Hope this helps.

  16. idk but it sounds like horror phrase idk ive never been good at these things type it in on google and see wat it means

  17. its like going to a lame party.

    you don't want to go but when you are through the door, you are screwed because everyone knows your there and you have to go through with it

  18. This means that a certain thing or action that you do, will help you gain acceptance in whatever you are trying to get.  This phrase is mostly used by job hunters.

  19. Basically, that it will get you started or have access to something, but the rest is up to you.

    For example, a personal recommendation from an employee will "get you in the door" for an interview, but once at the interview you' d still need to demonstrate your ability to do the job.

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