
Can't wait for the Palin/Biden debates?

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You else can't wait for the Palin/Biden debates? One one side you have an old, D.C insider, attach dog with hair plugs against a beautiful intellect with a proven record and family values.




  1. Palin's gonna smoke him.  

  2. Palin will be out of her league against Biden.  I can't wait.    

  3. I know I can't wait either, Palin's a fighter, and she's going to tear Biden up!!!

  4. I am gonna love it, myself.  Sarah Barracuda Palin will clean his clock.

  5. And the swim suit competition is going to be a blow-out.

  6. i am very proud of Senator Biden. he is going to do a great job at teaching the soccer ball mom.

  7. I'm not sure whether hair will figure in the it kinda exposes your bias and ruins your argument.  

  8. Palin's a DC insider?

    Except for the beautiful part, you described Biden perfectly in a nutshell. And he is an attack dog.

    Palin is so screwed!

  9. Palin better unbutton her shirt if she wants any votes. she can never be president!

  10. Palin gonna smoke Biden? Hahahah.

    You guys are hilarious. Here, have some pretzels w/ cyanide kool-aids, that will clear your collective insanity.

  11. Everyone come to St. Louis and watch Biden get owned!  

  12. You can't truly believe she is even in the same league as him. He will destroy her without mercy. It will be awesome to watch. Having family values and looking decent doesn't win debates. No one can top Biden when it comes to a verbal assault, and Palin will get brutalized to the point where people might actually feel sorry for her since McCain fed her to the wolf.

  13. I feel pretty confident that Biden will come off as the abrasive as*hole that he is and push normal people away.

  14. Either way I hope she brings up the nice little tidbit about Biden voting for the war in Iraq.   What a nice pairing for the man who's claim to fame is that he didn't approve of the war from the beginning.  

  15. I want someone to ask her what a Vice-President does? I wonder if by then she'll have looked it up, since she obviously didn't learn it in school.

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