
Can't wait to get?

by  |  earlier

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Help me to confirm a theory:

are the teens and 20somethings in your city or town, no matter how big or small it is, utterly conviced that it is Dullsville, usa, a gawdawful place, and that they'll get their butts outta there first chance they get?




  1. Coming from a small town, I would agree with your theory. There's only so much to do, and so things get a little boring - they must be more exciting somewhere else, right?

    Of course, then I moved to Montreal (about 4 million people, fantastic in its cultural variety, and seemingly limitless in terms of the number of things you can do), and I don't see anyone wishing to move away.

    So... small towns, yes. Big cities? Not necessarily. Work that into refining your theory!

    (Looks like you accidentally posted this question twice, I hope you don't mind me answering twice!)

  2. Yeah then they don't

  3. I did at your age, now it seen the world has gone crazy I'm wanting to go back home.

  4. ya but its really not, six flags great advebture is in my town!!
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