
Can't we Fight global Warming by planting Trees?

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If the main source of Global Warming is man-made emmissions of CO2, then why can't we plant forests to help make up for our Carbon outputs?




  1. planting trees wouldn't help fight global warming. although global warming helps trees grow i.e. the rain forests increased temperature and humidity actual help plants to go the green house effect is good for plant life that's why we build greenhouses for our gardens.

  2. its not man made...

    forests will grow as the world naturally heats up.  If snow melts from canada, whats that leave? Room for more plants to grow.

  3. We're doomed!  Run for cover!  Go buy bottled water!  Start hoarding canned food!  Hoard sun screen!  Quit your job and move your family to the mountains!  Forget planting little trees there's no time!  Argggggg!  

    Or not.

  4. If your idea was put to the test, it would help, but in fact, what trees we have left are being cut down for kleenex tissues, and junk mail(every 9 seconds, 1 acre of forest is cut). I think it's time we just gave up on global warming, we did all we could, and still the world doesn't understand. Maybe when mother nature takes her revenge on us, will we ever learn.

  5. We are..

    Three actions to reduce global warming

    Use fossil fuels more efficiently

    Save old-growth forests, cut sustainably

    Plant trees when you travel

    1 tree every 2,000 miles (3200 km) by car

    1 tree every 1300 miles (2000 km) by plane

    1 tree every 100 gallons (375 liters) of gasoline

    1 tree every 1000 kilowatt-hours (one kwhr ~= 1.9 pounds CO2)

  6. We are, but also remember that plants and trees emit CO2 as well.

    Granted in very minuit amounts, but nevertheless.

    There is no way that plant life alone could counter all manmade emissions, not even if we forested the whole world

    Then there are issues like acid rain.. and other pollutants that people forget about becuase they have all jumped on the global warming band wagon!

  7. That can help, but it's nowhere near enough.  Trees are fighting to reduce our inputs right now, but they're getting crushed by us.

    Look at this graph.

    The little squiggles are nature doing its' thing. CO2 falls a bit during summer when plants are active, and rises during the winter. The huge increase is us, burning fossil fuels. The scientists can actually show that the increased CO2 in the air comes from burning fossil fuels by using "isotopic ratios" to identify that CO2.  The natural carbon cycle buried carbon in fossil fuels over a very long time, little bit by little bit. We dig them up and burn them, real fast.  That's a problem.

    Man is upsetting the balance of nature.  We need to fix that.

  8. For people who say plants emmit Co2, you are very wrong.  Plants inhale Co2 and exhale Oxygen, we inhale oxygen and exhale co2.  plants are natural pollution cleaners.

    So to answer the question, yes trees would help, but you'd have to plant enough to restore the great rainforests and other areas of large scale deforestation.  As a matter of fact, trees are a big part of what help sustain our atmosphere.  Without them, it would collapse.

    Nasa plans on colonizing the moon and mars and to do that they would have to create an environment for people to live.  one thing they would need to do is make an artificial atmosphere and get plants and trees into it until the plants can sustain a natural Atmosphere.

  9. I don't know where you live, but I live in the country. There's nothing but forests here. It's beyond belief that people are concerned about Global Warming. This country is huge and there are plenty of trees and forest to take care of the CO2. Global Warming is nothing more than a scare tactic that is being used by the environmentalists to promote their agenda.

  10. It's hard to compete with this. China is the largest polluter on earth. Planting trees cannot reverse the damage they are doing.



  11. Not just trees but any plant that does photosynthesis. The plants are still processing all the CO2 we make.

  12. you can, but it would help not solve the problem

  13. To fight global warming, we need to do many things, planting  tree is only one of many.

    To fight global warming, we need top management to react, we need our leader to know that global warming is a treat to our life.  

    Solar cell, biofuel, wind, oceanwave and other could fight global warming.

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