
Can't we bomb hurricane Gustav before it hits?

by  |  earlier

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Come on! We should at least try anything




  1. you cant bomb a hurricane, what are you a really its a natural disaster it as to come. we dont have technology yet that can get rid of hurricanes.  

  2. who knows, maybe if we had taken better care of the enviornment, the storms wouldn't be as bad as they have been.  

  3. lol

    hmm.. bomb hurricane..  

  4. it would probably fuel its energy making it becaome a category 7

  5. LOL.

    I don't think so.

    All people can do is brace themselves for it...

    I don't think you can bomb clouds and wind.....


    Also, I think that it would damage the envioroment further. Hurricanes are a natural process no matter how horrible and violent they are.

    If you bombed the hurricane, like one of the people said, it would probably fuel it.

    And it would probably really affect the surronding islands.

    The world's just gonna have to ride out the storm; my heart goes out to all of those who have already lost loved ones in it...

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