
Can't we dump our wastes on the other planets which are not habitable to solve the problems of wastes on earth

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i mean to say that the earth is facing a great problem of wastes. mostly it has been the problem of the developing countries.




  1. Sounds like a good idea

  2. Too expensive. Do you realize how many tons we'd have to move everyday ??? We'd need thousands of rockets.

  3. that would cost a c**p load of money.  Also - do the other planets have gravitational pull like the Earth does?  No one wants garbage floating around everywhere, you know?

  4. Conceivably possible, but completely impractical.  The volume and mass of waste to

    be moved would take almost the entire industrial

    output of the world to produce the rockets needed. This is not even considering the cost, or the waste of material in unrecovered rockets

    sent out.

  5. Too expensive.  And too dangerous.  Rockets sometimes crash.

    We can easily dispose of our wastes here.  It's a political issue, not a technical one.  "Not in my area" is the problem.

  6. Good idea, but not one that could be done. It would take the first load about 10 years to get to its off load point.

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