
Can't we find out how to control Hurricane and floods?

by Guest45129  |  earlier

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All our developements are eaten away by these calamities. Can't our scientists the c ause of hurricane and stop it?




  1. Its not that easy its possible though

  2. I'm not a religious man, but it's called The Power of God! He's the only one that can control it. Man only end up causing more calamities than fixes.

  3. What are they suppose to stop ?  Its Mother Nature..

    They have the most sophisticated technology today to warn people of dangerous storms . Just think what it was like 100 years ago ?    

  4. no, there is no way to fight mother nature, u can only be cautious

  5. they are caused by the weather.  you cant stop weather

  6. Can we literally stop a storm or an earthquake? No, it's earth, it's what it does.

    We can PREVENT calamities like floods. Stopping something is out of our reaches at the moment. And it doesn't neccesarily need to be bothered with anyways.

    Good luck! ;]

  7. It would be difficult, I expect sooner or later it will be done. The more we rush it the less thought out it would be though and carry potentially higher consequences.

  8. It's called natural disaster so I don't think you can control it.

  9. A hurricane packs the energy of several nuclear bombs.

    That is not very easy to control, and honestly, I doubt anyone has an idea that could work at this time.

  10. I think that if they continue to study what triggers hurricanes then we might be able to find a way to at least resist a little. I don't know, hurricanes are powerful no matter what category they are, 1 or 5.

  11. They know the causes, and you can't stop it because it would s***w up the whole climate of the earth. While it may seem like a good idea, our climate is not a rebuildable thing like houses.

  12. they are working on it but it's not all that easy and there may be unforeseen consequences that could be potentially more devastating than the storms.

  13. Not Really, Our Expertises Haven't Reached Were We Can Stop Nature From Being, Well Nature Really

  14. You know that every time that we try to fix something something else normally goes wrong right? Take the Mississippi's flooding, although fixing that has fixed flooding it's now sinking ground so don't fix what isn't broken.

  15. It's hard enough to predict the weather, let alone control it.

    Plus, doing so would certainly put the natural state of the earth into more chaos than it's in already. Every cause has an effect.

    It's like controlling a volcano. Keeping magma in would create a serious geothermal disbalance. Everything happens for a reason.

  16. For the flood this is a easy answer. WE are the cause of floods being as bad as they are. When we build homes and destroy trees, forest, and woods we destroyed our natural resource to help keep from flooding and even mudslides. We flatten the earth to add homes and roads and so when we get tomuch rain in area it can only go to the low point. Hurricanes are caused by change of the season, weather, wind and most important water temperature. This is all things that we can never effect. WE can make improvements for homes that will with stand them and only lose items such as tv's cloths and such. In P. Rico their homes are build with cement Yes cement thats how they have been able to avoid home loss. The down side is yes bugs, no instalation, and remodling is a lot harder, and so on.  

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