
Can't we just build a giant solar power panel over the Artic to not just give us energy but take some heat too

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because I know that ice caps are melting in Antartica and we are also losing a lot of energy, so won't this help both problems or will it make it worse?




  1. the sun isnt that strong over the poles and it would cast trillians

  2. yes... and no...

    first off realize the arctic ice doesn't absorb much heat... ice is a GREAT reflector.. so any heat you absorb would be minimal.. mainly you would be blocking reflected sunshine.. and we really don't know much about what the atmosphere/planet does with energy on the way back out..

    SECOND solar panels are EXPENSIVE... i mean REALLY expensive.. so building one that size with currant tech would cost a ON of cash..

    next you have the problem of getting the electricity from the arctic circle to somewhere it can be used... energy transported over a wire generates heat (current squared times the resistance of the wire).. heat from the wire would offset any gains from the solar panels and would probably exceed it...

    third you have the incredibly high cost of construction in the arctic circle.. building and maintaining a power station there would be prohibitively expensive..

    add in treaties to not develop the arctic.. (prove to china we aren't hiding missiles under there) and the challenge of getting Greenpeace and companies buy off and it is a political nightmare no one wants to tackle.

  3. ya, there isnt that much sun there, it would be better to put it in the central parts of the earth where there is more sun

  4. Wrong place.  The sun is very faint at the poles, hence the ice caps.  The equator is the best place for solar arrays.  BTW, solar panels are too expensive to justify their use until electricity doubles or triples.

  5. that would cost multi billions too do that...think u moron

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