
Can't write?

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I used too love writing songs the music and lyrics. But after I started writing poetry I'm stuck in that. Does anyone know how I can get out of this....mood? It's not really like writers block it's more like I can't get into the right rythm.




  1. Maybe it's just that you just discovered you true talent! but if you really want to get back your rythm try this. Listen to the beat of everything. Tap your toes and sing the what ever you feel. Songs really and truely come from the heart.


    If there is no beat, like in your room just sing a made up song and sing it until the end, then write it. THEN find a beat. Just think of it this way, songs are poems put to music!

  2. Try this,,,make up a tune that you like. After that, pick the poem that matches the song...too easy.

  3. Try listneing to music. Read Lyrics, try to make it look more appealing to you. Maybe you can write poetry and still use it in your lyrics.

  4. watch the movie stranger than fiction

  5. ...quit thinking about it.

  6. You are writing.  You are typing and your words are going down.  So just keep typing.   Explain to me why I can't paint.

  7. Whatever you've been doing with songs writing and poetry is a good habit anyways. So, just keep practising it and it'll definitely pay you off one day.
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