
Can't you understand how we must trust our investment community to do the right thing?

by  |  earlier

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It all depends upon public confidence. Just a little hiccup in the economy. No big thing, booby! Hang in there. Trust me.




  1. from all your questions you sure are trying to sell us a lot of snake oil.

  2. "investment community" is just out to make a buck off my back. pay me .05% interest, but charge me 6%? GTF out.

  3. boy are you in fantasy land.have you seen national city stock.......wachovia laying off 6500...chevy is going down hill, ford cant sell cars to save a life...bud sells to over seas co.  

    pull your head out of your ***...i make750 a week less than i did a year ago....if this is a hiccup, stop drinking beer...

  4. how can you tell when a politician is lying ? his lips are moving . as i recall senator , you were one for deregulation a few years back . deregulate banks , deregulate utilities . deregulation is removing regulations . regulations are rules to  keep companies honest . take away the rules , gee... what could go wrong there ?

  5. yah because the "investment community" aren't a bunch of self serving vermin or anything like that. Trust me.

  6. Just a little hiccup.  Yeah, right.  The investment community went bonkers and reaped huge rewards for putting out shoddy loans to people who should never have been considered for loans.

    As long as the housing markets continued to rise, everything was great.  People got houses, investment companies got rich.  They kept making riskier and riskier loans.

    Then the market went down and everyone suddenly starts losing their homes (that many should never have been in) and banks and investment companies got caught with the pants down.

    Yeah, we can trust them with little or no oversight.

  7. Your smile on your avatar tells me enough about you.

    Did you mean to spell Bobby?

  8. Are you serious?  I can't tell if you are serious or joking.

    Trust the investment community?   I work in the investment community, the current company I work for I trust, but I have enough experience in the field to know not to trust the community in general to "do the right thing".

    Decisions are usually very short-sighted about making money now, not about the risk that's being put on the whole big applecart kit-and-kaboodle.

    Savings & Loan Crisis, the banks that were involved with Enron, the mortgage sub-prime loans, etc.

    I feel your question would be typical of someone who wasn't very financial literate, or was very young and didn't have a long history of experiences to draw apon.  

    I'm very surprised about your question, was it meant to be a joke?

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