
Can $500 feed 60 people?

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We are thinking about just having our wedding at home in my aunt's front yard. If we do that, then we will be catering our own reception. Can we feed 60 people with $500? I'm worried we won't have enough money. We aren't looking for anything fancy. Just a nice meal with everyone. Is this possible?




  1. Yes, that would be plenty of money for that. I think it sounds very tasty and fun.  

  2. You could order pizza for everyone for that.  I've been to many weddings, and pizza would be an improvement over almost all of them, food-wise.  The sole exception are the friends who did it themselves, like you - they made gumbo.  That was good too.

  3. Yes, it's doable. My fiance's mom comes from a huge family with lots of siblings, and there are about 30-40 people at their thanksgiving parties. I helped his mom plan the party last year. She spent about $400, but everybody overate in the typical Thanksgiving manner, and there were tons and tons of leftovers. Comfort food is much cheaper than typical party food.

    Find somebody who has a membership to Sam's club or Costco, and buy the food there- it's much cheaper to buy in bulk. Also, enlist your family and closest friends to help you cook the turkeys in their ovens because you probably don't have enough ovens in one house. Just make sure they follow the recipe that you like.

  4. yes it is possible... you could throw a bbq very dog.. potato salad, chips, snacks and drinks

  5. Yes easily...  Last year my mother spent about $250.00 on a full turkey dinner w/ trimmings for 40 people...

    The only problem I foresee is ovens to cook the multiple turkeys in..

    Trimmings included dinner rolls, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, stuffing etc.  

    Instead of ham and turkey choose one or the other and the trimmings to go with..  

  6. I think it is absolutely do able.

    Can you get some help from some relatives and have them cook the turkey at their home and do everything at else at your Aunts?  

  7. Certainly.  Shop at one of those super stores, and get the best price you can for the turkey and hams as those will be the most expensive and you will be fine.  Sounds like a good meal!

  8. I own a catering business and for that amount you wouldn't get to much but what you could do is look for turkey's when they are on any other things that you are wanting to them in bulk and freeze whatever you can. Also, go to places like Sam's or costco and buy anything and everything in bulk. Maybe talk to some family members and see if anyone would "volunteer" to make or bring!

    Just a few is possible just you will have to very tight with your budget! Good luck :)

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