
Can A Spirit & Soul Come Back From Crossing Over?

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I strongly believe in the paranormal and the afterlife.

Even though I don't have psychic abilities I wish I did.

My father died in 2002 and I'm sure he crossed over.

I'm not sure if he went to Heaven or came back in another life.

But I'd like to believe we ultimately go to a place Heaven.

Obviously I'm confused about it. But can someone put this into simple terms for me? Thanks!




  1. Wouldn't that be incarnation. The ancient Egyptians beleived in stuff like that I don't know maybe.

  2. Anythings possible with enough volts. Just be sure to have something ready to deal with possible fires.

  3. That's kinda what the Catholic church believes...that you go to Heaven but can come back and help St. Theresa said she wanted to spend her time in Heaven doing good on earth...and how St. Anthony helps you find things. I think it might be the same with our families. If you don't have anyone you want to come back and help then I doubt you'd come back. Some people might want to come back and help the people in their churches or help a certain cause. I don't say this is a's just what I was brought up  to believe.

  4. I have recently been feeling the sameway about my grandfather who passed away earlier this year from the same medical condidtion as my husband.  I was hoping since I am living so far away from my family and wasn't able to attend the funeral that I would at least have a vist to let me know what happened to him afterwards or at least a last "goodbye," but I have yet to have that experince.  Deenie is right, and it has been my personal experince with my husband's family members and a few of mine that have passed on that they will occasionally...I guess I would say peek in on us.  Too guide us thru different phases and times, or just to give that additional strength when the going gets tough.  I do believe in reincarnation and also what Red Heron said, but I have yet to meet anyone that I have known now to be reincarnated and have been leaning a little more towards the cellular memory thingy.

    If your instinct is that he has crossed, than he probably has, but asking for a sign of some sort to be sure of it, is never a harmful.  Perhaps something that was strictly between the two of you alone so that there can be no room for doubt.

    Personally, I think that we are like the majority of the people that remain here until our time is up.  We don't definately know for sure until we take that road for ourselves.

    I do hope that you find the answer that you are looking for.  I've been looking for it myself.  I wish you luck.

  5. I'm a medium, I've communicated with many different spirits, and the whole concept of "crossing over" simply doesn't make sense.

    I think the whole "crossing over" thing is for people who believe in a static "heaven" with an actual geographical location, and from the experiences I've had with spirits, that simply isn't the case.

    I think "crossing over" helps people who believe in a rigid concept of heaven and h**l, deal with death and maybe even some spirit communications they've had and don't understand.

    In my experience, there is no place a spirit can go and be trapped. In my experience, the only time spirits get "trapped" is when they're in denial about being dead but they don't really feel trapped, they're usually exactly where they want to be.

  6. To date, nobody's been able to prove this. Reincarnation is really a field of the paranormal that people tend to overlook, and many people believe that the choice to reincarnate is actually an option. However, there's no conclusive proof either way. It generally comes down to what you personally believe.

    I would also like to tell you about a concept in Nordic mythology which science now calls "cellular memory" and which may account for an ability to pass memories on to descendants. Though it's not perfectly understood, this phenomenon might account for memories that awaken after several generations and which might seem like proof of reincarnation. Even so, the jury's still out: nobody really knows.

  7. Are you asking for evidence?  There is none.  So if someone says it happens they are offering nothing more than speculation.

    If you believe in Heavan or that a spirit "crosses over", then it's probably not too far outside your belief system to also believe a soul can come back.  However this would have to be based on faith since there is no way to indicate this has happened.

  8. Reality is more like a wave, or the water cycle, that an electronic on/off, yes/no, either/or switch.  Try sitting absolutely quie  Look tly without moving for five minutes.  (Yes, you are allowed to breathe, quietly.)  You will likely find that difficult, and begin to notice small movements and changes, even besides breathing.  Life isn't static.  Existence isn't.

    Simple terms?  Yes.  Tell you what to believe?  No.  Look up the word tautology.  We experience reality in different ways but agree on certain conventions.  While we think we are experiencing the same reality, some theories say we only interesect in very partial and individualized ways.  

    One thing I know from personal experience - at least in my reality, the spirit does not stay in the body after death.  Since there is no existential proof, that is regarded as a belief - but in my reality it is simple fact.  There is an unclear area here - how much does belief affect what we experience, and what is the level of reality to that experience - and is it knowable whether or not we truly reside in the same reality or only impinge upon one another?  More than anything else, physics deals with these concepts, but there are other approaches (life science-observation, philosophy, religion, the paranormal, literature/speculative fiction).

  9. He most likely came back as one of the kittens in this box I am just now setting into a busy highway.

  10. Only if it is God's will, and that person still has a purpose which may not have been fulfilled.

    Another time He may not due to the enormity of damage at the time of death.

    Heaven exists for those who believe in God and His Word that Jesus is His Son, "who so ever believes in Him(Jesus) will have eternal life with God.

    Not complicated, however,  more understandable for those who, truly want to understand and ask God to help them.

    Then it is a matter of being open to the opportunities which come for one to learn.

    It is often said that if one asks, God will meet you more than half way in helping you.

    I hope you will give it an honest try, it may not be easy and as you change, your acquaintances may change. That is normal as you start to know others which think the new way you are learning about.

  11. truly depends on what you believe. I channel spirits for people and a lot of times when they talk about where they are and what it's like, it's very similiar.

    I am under the impression that who we are when we are alive and how we feel about ourselves and our lives when we die, have a lot to do with where we end up and what's next.

    From what I have heard, departed loved ones can choose to watch over their family. Since time on the other side is totally different, watching over you for your whole lifetime is not that long really.

    The common message is also that there is always something to do on the otherside. That there is a higher purpose to serve and that there is no desire to just go somewhere and relax because you are full of Divine energy and you want to help.

    So anyways, I don't know if your Dad reincarnated or not but an easy way to find out is to ask for sign. If you get a song on the radio or your favorite flowers popping up, a dream...or something that reminds you of him, then that means that he is still on the otherside and is doing his lightwork there and mostly watching over you. If you don't get an answer, then he may have reincarnated.

    But really...deep in my heart, I don't believe that a lot of people are reincarnating anymore. I don't know why that is but I think the time for that has passed...some years ago.

    BTW, we all have the capability to have psychic abilities, for some it just takes training and practice. But you don't have to be psychic to receive communication from your Dad. The love between you is enough. :)

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