
Can A Sun flower seed moving at the speed of light goes and hits you in your gut OR arm, will you Die?

by  |  earlier

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Can A Sun flower seed moving at the speed of light goes and hits you in your gut OR arm, will you Die??? Cause my pops keep saying you can die from anything moving at the speed of lite but i dont believe that lol, please tell me!?!?!?

please and thank you




  1. light is moving at the speed of light and we all seem to be doing fine.

    think of a bullet, it's moving pretty fast, fast enough to kill and it's just a piece of metal.  So if you sped up something like a marshmallow fast enough i bet it could kill too.

  2. You won't, for the simple reason that, according to Einstein, it is impossible for a macroscopic object such as a seed to move at the speed of light.

    On the other hand, tiny objects can kill you at speeds lower than the speed of light if their kinetic energy (E=0.5*m*v*v,

    where v is speed, and m is mass), is large enough.

    For example, assume that the mass of a seed is 1g and a mass of a stone is 1000g. I would say that such a stone traveling at 100km/hour can kill you for sure. This is the same energy as of a seed traveling at about 3,162 km/h, which is about 340 thousand times slower than the speed of light.

    So, you will die if a sun flower seed moving at a very tiny fraction of the speed of light hits you.

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