
Can A Teacher accuse a class of stealing a bookbag without any evidence?

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well yesterday we put the other classes bookbags outside the door. Then the next morning a teachers says to our class that someone bookag is missing then our real teacher said that she was going to give us a referel and a punishment. Can she do that? I dont think so. If you answer this question please list the sources so i can review it i live in the Miami dade County so if u look at the student code of conduct.





  1. looks like you are quite scared....why dont you just return the bag ?

  2. The problem you have is that putting the bookbags outside the door so that they COULD be more easily stolen and having one disappear is legally the same as stealing it.  Your class caused the bag to be stolen.  If the bag is gone, your class is responsible because you created the situation in which it could be stolen.  I don't have access to anyone's student code of conduct, but those are the basic legal principles.  

    Let me give you an equivalent.  Let's say you went over to your friend's house while he was out, unlocked, the door, and left it wide open.  Someone else saw the open door and came in an burglarized the house.  Sure, the burglar would ge responsible, but so would you.  You made it possible for someone to get in to burglarize the house.

  3. I work for Miami Dade County schools. You and your friends touched someone else's property, and as a result, the property went missing. That is the equivalent of stealing. If the whole class was involved in the prank then, yes she can give you all a referral and a punishment.

    You can be suspended for :

    Level 1 Disruptive Behavior -Failure to comply with school/class rules

    Level 2 Seriously Disruptive Behavior - Petty Theft

    and if there was anything of real value that is missing (over $300 such as a cell phone or Ipod)

    Level 4 -Grand Theft

    Any level 4 violations automatically require a School Police Report. In other words, even though you may not be arrested for the event, you will technically have a police record.

    In addition to the code of conduct rules you have broken, Miami Dade County also has a set of character values that you are expected to abide by. As far as I can see, the actions of you and your classmates is in direct conflict with 8 of the 9 values:   Citizenship, Cooperation, Fairness, Honesty, Integrity, Kindness, Respect and Responsibility. In other words, ALL of them except one!

    Next time, keep your hands to yourself!

  4. The evidence is a missing bookbag.  Believe me, someone knows where it is.  And someone else knows that THAT person knows.  That is the point of the group get someone to tell.

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