
Can ANYONE help me out??

by Guest55909  |  earlier

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*I'm in the musical Godspell

**I play the character of Jesus

***Jesus's songs are written for a tenor

****I, on the other hand, am a base

*****We can't chnge the musc cuz were singing it to karaoke

******are there any tips you guys can give me on how to sing these songs???

-any and all input is greatly appreciated. thanks :D




  1. Well, if getting to high is the problem, take it down an octive, if getting too low is the problem take it up an octive. Then other than that sing it how you would sing it.

  2. I suggest that you just sing the correct key, but a couple of octaves lower than the kareoke. as long as its in the right key then it will sound fine.

    do not try to strain your voice as you will just end up damading your vogal chords, especially if you are trying to go higher rather then lowern in your pitch. Wikipedia is excellent for reading up about the science behind voice and singing and that will tell you how damaging it is to sing higher then your voice should go.

    Best of luck with the part!

  3. Any chance you could sing an octive lower mabye o'r something like that without changing the key?

  4. Hi, you asked me to answer your question, really sorry but i dont get it. soz.

    im not into god stuff and im not sure if its a song or something or im totaly off the mark haha. sorry. x

  5. just sing how you sing.

    if you try to sing higher or lower,it will make your voice sound raspy and bad.

    if you couldn't sing the part,you wouldn't have gotten choosen,unless you were just assigned parts.

    but,don't force it,just sing.

    good luck! (:

  6. if you're a bass then thats it, you are not going to sing as a tenor

    if they knew anything about music they would get it in the appropriate key or pick a tenor in the first place

  7. i use to be in choir in middle school, and i was a base too, & if i tried to sing tenor it was just funny,. i dont think u can really do anything about it.. : l.    thanks 4 ur answer too

  8. First off, it is spelled Bass.  That's how the voice part is spelled.

    Next, to help yourself sing higher, you're going to want to spend most of your time warming up and singing in your higher register.  Get yourself used to singing up there.  I spent a whole year singing tenor when I am a bass/baritone, and by the end of that year, my register had shifted higher.  So much of this is about muscle memory and your body just doing what needs to be done.  You're going to want to work a lot of breath support exercises, because that's what will help you the most.  When singing higher and trying to reach notes you can't, most people try to tilt their head back to reach those notes.  Don't do that, that actually constricts your vocal chords and makes them work even harder because less breath can get through.  Try and keep your chin down and just move a lot of air.  Find out exactly where your break is in your voice and try and work with your falsetto as well.  It is very possible that some notes will just be too high.  So if you can strengthen your falsetto, that will help out a lot as well.  Hope this helps!  And break a leg!

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