
Can Abilify induce mania?

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I've had some issues since being on Abilify and I've never had a manic episode before. However I've had abnormal behaviors that have only gotten worse. I didn't take it for two days and felt a little better. So I obviously it's the Abilify. I was wondering if it could make me manic seeing as how I already had some psychosis going on.




  1. All medications affect all people differently - you should talk to the prescribing doctor about this.

    I would need more details to answer you better. What behaviors are you experiencing that you feel are manic? How long have you been on the abilify? What are the abnormal behaviors that you have noticed have gotten worse? What are you taking the abilify for?

    Abilify is often used to treat manic episodes associated with bipolar disorder, perhaps in your situation the abilify is having the opposite effect. Do not stop taking it - call the prescribing doctor right away and tell him what is happening. There are many different medications out there, it can take time to find the one that is right for you.

  2. it made dead tired no matter how much caffein i had in me. i got tons of excercise and sleep but was just crazy tired

  3. definitely sounds like Abilify isn't he drug for you!  I recommend you see a psychiatrist.. and soon.  those are very self destructive behaviors and will get you into deep SH-T!

  4. Yeh, it can, particularly if you are bipolar and have problems with antidepressants.  Abilify is as much antidepressant as it is antispychotic.  It can be very activating, especially at lower doses.  It gave me akathisia so I can't tell ya what it did to me, but that wouldn't matter anyway.  Call your doc.  It's not the med for you.

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