
Can Ahmedabad b a beautyfull city?

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Can Ahmedabad b a beautyfull city?




  1. Cannot be.. its such a sick town

  2. Any city can be a beautiful if given a time for people to change their mentality. Rightnow, it is not well cultured, no diversity, people fight for religion, bad politics cause riots, not good infrastructure developed by goverment, to over come all this it takes time. When? Until city get the good leadership.

  3. I never been there. But one of my frnds study there. She tells that it is OK city.

    Well as far as "can be" concerned, anything can happen. Where there is will there is way.

    But that doesn't apply to politicians. As long as the beauty of the city lying in the hands of the politicians nothing can be beautyful.


  4. beauty is in the eye of beholder

  5. Yes , if government and people of their try it

  6. tell me pls

  7. That purely depends up on the people of Ahmedabad.

    However the last time I have visited Ahmedabad its not bad, rather quite good as per Indian standard.

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