
Can America be returned to Native Americans

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There's all this hoola about how blacks have been wronged and how ethnic blacks should be compensated to rectify slavery from past history.

However, what about for native americans. Their land was taken away from them, and they have been diminished to ethnic miniority, and have been asked to be pleased with reservation spots that are like third world countries.

Has anyone thought that perhaps there should be a movement that ethnic Caucasians should return America to native americans and go back to Europe?




  1. It's kind of late for that. This idea is correct , but impractical. It's like taking back a shirt that someone used to wipe themselves. We can't just send everyone back to where they came from.

  2. they get enough!  they don't have to pay taxes or property taxes if living on their land.  If they buy outside the res.  they only have to pay taxes on that land for three years before it becomes part of the res.  they get to have casinos and all of the Natives get a per-cap check every month until the day they die...most of them that I know those checks are enough every month they do not even have to work a full time job to get by.  Most of them are the first ones to get low interest loans regardless of their credit.  they get enough perks that us whites dont already, so why should they get it all as well.

  3. I'm partially Native American, and honestly, there's just no way it can happen. Besides, there's not a whole lot of us around anyway. There just no way.

  4. president can make them!

  5. Hhahahhahha

    Talk about a correct but impractical solution!

    Everytime my mother starts griping about "the Injuns and their casinos and their own car tags ...", I just remind her that they were here first, and if she doesn't like it she can honor the treaties of the past and get off of THEIR land.

  6. Can Americal possibly need that many more casinos?

  7. just send everyone back to where they came from. except for the half breeds that will be stuck somewhere in the middle. Like me, im mexican and puerto rican. i guess i would end up in texas or something.

  8. im a native american and i think about this all the time. I think if things would have been left the way my ancestors had it we would have less worry about global warming, recession, disease, etc but its too late for that now.  

  9. In it's primacy, Native American government and culture were well organized, progressive, and in tune with the natural environment, something that current government and politics will certainly never be.  Unfortunately, it's completely impossible to undo past wrongs committed by earlier generations of this country.  We need to be aware of the the atrocities that this country has perpetrated in the past and learn from those mistakes to live a more inclusive and harmonious existence.  Though it is a terrible thing to say, the world would probably be a much better place if the new world had never been "conquered" at all and we could instead have learned from the indigenous peoples of this hemisphere.

  10. Perhaps Spain & France should open provential territory exclusively to Native Americans as compensation for taking their land.

  11. Third world countries?  I guess third world countries have casinos.  Let us deal with reality.  Caucasians going back to Europe is as realistic as blacks going back to Africa.  We need to act as one people.  The continent belonged to Native Americans long ago.  That was then.  It belongs to Americans regardless of race.  That is now.

  12. That would be like giving a country to the Jews by pushing people out the way and calling it Israel, causing wars for the rest of history.  No.  They will not get their land back, plus America has helped them destroy their own culture anyway... The fact that after building this country, fighting in all the wars without  human rights, slavery and hundreds of years of oppression, all black people got was the right to beg and cry for equality that we barely received...... should let you know the answer is no.

  13. Although we can't return the whole country to them (let's be realistic here), I do believe that we can and should set aside about 50 million acres of Western high plains country to enable Native Americans a way to get off reservations and have their own sovereign country. In the meantime we have got to respect the treaties we signed with them, which recognize them as 'sovereign' nations but which treats them as if they were flies on the wall.

  14. Morally, it's the right thing to do..But come on! Do you think America will give up what they stole?No, not even if it meant war

  15. I'm not saying what happened was ok but this kinda stuff happened all over the world. I don't think that african americans should be shipped back to africa because they aren't from america. It's not possible for caucasians to all go back to Europe. I'm half native half ... other races, mostly caucasian I guess. No one is keeping natives on the reserves.I don't collect status. I work, and go to school. They make the choice to stay there. I learn about my history and we keep it alive. No one is stopping us. I don't blame the white people of today for what happened when they didn't do anything. Like me they were born into this. Didn't ask to be but the racism still exists, and it needs to stop. Personally as a "half" natives I think they/we can do more for ourselves.Yes they/we ( I'm never sure how to use it as I'm half) are quite capable of running a country. Therefore they care capable of many many other things.

  16. If that's your argument then how is someone like me, who is English and German, going to go back?  Are you going to hack me into two pieces and send half to England and half to Germany?

    Obviously the Indians weren't capable of establishing their own technology to the point where they were able to repluse the Europeans at the beginning.

    Oh yeah, and while you're at it, send all the blacks back to Africa.  That's going to work.

  17. You are asking the Great White Father to back off autonomy of the USA back to the sovereignty of the Indian Nations. What this involves would be to give the whole of the US lands back to the Native Indians for control and administration. That would be impossible and it will never happen.

    At least the state and local governments have given some recognition to the Indian heritage by allowing them to build casinos and share in the revenues. However, this is of little consequence.

    The Indian nations lack the ability to govern their own tribal councils that they cannot govern a city, state let alone an entire country and foreign affairs.

    In Canada, they don't even have this. We have reservations and recognize some limited autonomy to govern certain elements of their tribal council. In the 1980s there was a landmark event in Canada. 2 boys were convicted in the Canadian courts of raping a female. All of the perpetrators and victims were from the Indian nations and since sovereignty was being introduced, the Canadian gov't allowed the tribal council to administer the judgement. The decision of the tribal council was that the 2 boys were to be banished on a deserted island for 10 years. They would have to hunt and fish and cook for themselves and once a month, an RCMP boat would check on them. They had a radio to contact the outside world for medicine and supplies.

    This may not be severe to some but it certainly prevents the rest of us from supporting them for 10 years. In this example, the Indian tribal council showed its autonomy but the Canadian gov't worked with them to administer a smooth delivery of justice.

    What you are asking from the US gov't cannot be done b/c it is too much to give to the Native Indians. Working with the tribal councils is more realistic in governing Indian affairs.

  18. No. The answer is a bit harsh, but simply no. Why would the government give the land they spent money on to the Native Americans who don't have a huge population in the U.S. anymore? That's how the government thinks. I won't expect the Native Americans to ever get their land back, but hey, you never know.

  19. If any group in America deserves reparations, it is the Native Americans. I, as a black man, am totally against reparations for the "descendants of slaves". Blacks in this country have too long waited for the "government" to send them a check.

    All ethnic groups have suffered at some period of time, but the native Americans were systematically murdered, their land stolen, and their freedom eliminated. While blacks in this country have thrived, Native Americans are still living as if they were in the third world.

    No, we cannot return this country to them, but we certainly can and should greatly improve their lot in life.

  20. I sure if Americans were to get their immigration under control there might be some land to hand back. However, would the Indians WANT it back?  When their lands were taken it was pretty much a uninhabited, unspoiled country. What the N.A. didn't know was that to the European mind Land = Wealth, b/c only the aristocracy in almost all countries had land OR if some Lord decreed land to some poor bum.  When the Europeans asked "Who's land is this?", the poor N.A. who answered "It belongs to us all, it is the Earth Mother's." had no idea how that was processing in the Euro's mind----"Holy ****! All this land for the staking?!", and in came the flood.

    That's one of the reasons they didn't repulse the Euro's--Killer Queen. Indian tribes were way more numerous than some wagon train. They didn't mind sharing, but they didn't know how insanely populated Europe was.

  21. Many decades ago, there was a movement to send all the "africans" back to africa.  Hundreds and hundreds of the descendants of former slaves were shipped over to Africa, and dumped in a particualrly crappy spot that was choosen basically at random, it was renamed Liberia.

    The social experiment didn't end well, Google it and you will see what I mean.  Try the keywords "child soldiers" "warlord" and "genocide".

    Attempting to make up in the present for wrongs against a culture in the past are doomed from teh begining, because they are based on a flawed assumption.

    The people alive today are not the same group that was alive back then.  We associate this or that sub-culture with it's ancestors.  But in reality, modern whites are not the ones who commited the atrocities of slavery, and modern blacks are not the ones who suffered through them.  So it makes no sense to say that modern whites owe modern blacks for something that involved two completly distinct groups.

    Any well-meaning action based on this flawed logic will only fail and create new resentment to boot.

  22. I am Native American, and the majority of the tribes have let their own culture die out meaning their way of life i.e. living off of the land and even their native languages. So what exactly do you think they would do? The elders who knew the old way of life have mostly already died. It is time to move on because you can never go back. What America has failed to realize though, is that we are killing our own planet with our waste and pollution.

  23. We can lose it to them at a native American casino.

  24. Sure it can.  But would you want someone to return a shirt they used to wipe themselves?

  25. i know that we kicked out Natice Americans hundreds of years ago, but we cant just go back to Europe??...

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