
Can American citizen vacation to Cuba?

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is it illegal or is there any rule which says one cant go but if you go have to remain out of the US a certain amonut of time. please give answers if you only know about this topic.




  1. Technically, you can GO there - you just aren't allowed to spend money there, like for hotels, food, etc.  So, no, Americans cannot legally travel to Cuba.  Supposedly, you can go there from Canada or Mexico, etc, and they avoid stamping your passport, so there's no official record of your having been there.

  2. It is not legal for Americans to engage in travel related transactions with Cuba. Some people will tell you that you can go there through Canada or Mexico, which is true. However, it is still illegal.

    You can read the restrictions at the State Department website by following this link:

    The US government will not approve requests for a license to visit Cuba for vacations.

  3. Travel to Cuba is not what is 'illegal''s the spending of money and buying in Cuba that is 'illegal'.

    Many American citizens travel to Cuba 'illegally' via a 3rd country and they make sure that they leave no paper trails as proof of entering Cuba...neither do they bring in souvenirs, etc.

    Cuba does not stamp passports, so the US wouldn't know that you were there. However, there is always a chance when doing this.

    But, you can travel legally by obtaining a travel license/permission through the OFAC to go to Cuba (and be able to spend money freely and the like there).

    You can get a travel license if you have immediate family there to visit, journalism, medical, educational, volunteering, teaching, religious, sports, etc.

    There are options. I suggest you read the links and see what you would like to do.

    Again, many US citizens go to Cuba via Canada and Mexico and return to the US the same way.

    I hope you get to go to Cuba. You will love it!

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