
Can Americans take it when they fail to finish on top of the Olympic gold medal tally?

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I'm talking about, of course, ranking based on gold or differing values for different medals (either way, China wins). Americans yappies will say they rank by total of course. Unfortunately that's not the way they ranked things before.

Mass national self-denial would be cool I reckon....




  1. They can take it. Most Americans will not know or choose to ignore how many gold other countries earned.

  2. I'm an American and I'm not as worried about it as you seem to be, but thanks for the 2 points

  3. The world seems to have an unhealthy obsession with the US. It must suck to have to constantly compare yourself to someone you believe is better at everything.

  4. I'm from USA and I don't really care if we don't win as many gold medals. China was favored to win the most gold medals from the start. At least we lead in total, which is another good thing. But having most gold means a lot.

  5. Why does everyone else care what the USA is going to do? If you look at China's size they should be leading. I don't expect us to catch up with that but it's not like they win anything. I don't know what country you are from, but maybe you should worry about your own medal count.

  6. ok, i hate how every seems to think that all americans are wallowing in self pity that we aren't on top in the gold medal count, and perhaps that is why i've avoided questions like this but im tired of it.

    I'm really happy for how china has performed, would I rather see USA on top? of course, I have pride in my country

    Do the chinese gymnasts look younger than the required age? Personally I think so, regardless I think the age limit is a dumb rule anyway, if they are the best, they should be able to perform for their country imo. However this is still a rule and should be enforced as any other rule so I can't blame them for inquiring about it. Would this issue have come up as much if the USA ended up winning? I can pretty confidently say no.

    Sometimes it does seem the chinese get higher scores, aka the girl landing on her knees and getting a bronze, but I'm not a gymnast nor do I know how the scoring works, and the judges are from around the world so it would be silly to think there's a big conspiracy to give china more medals. Still, it's easy to be skeptical. But part of rooting for your country is having passion, and so what if in the heat of the moment we yell at the judges? It's a heck of a lot better then sitting there motionless. And with that said, i mean no disrespect to china

    In the end, I'm really happy with what the USA has been able to do, as well as China, and all the other athletes. It takes a lot of work to get to the olympics and compete at that level so I'm happy for all of them

  7. It must suck coming from a 3rd rate country that can't even accumulate half the total of gold medals the top 2 have.

    Enjoy your country's mediocrity!

  8. First off, America has always ranked the medals in terms of total numbers.  And when we always finished 2nd to the Soviets back in the day, no one cared.  And no one will care now.

    I know that you're just a troll, but you don't really know anything about Americans, do you?  Why is it that the idiots are always the ones that feel as though they have something important to say?

  9. Funny how you've become what you hate without even realising it. You sir, are a true genius.

  10. Not trying to be a USA basher here, but they have a long history of moaning and making protest. Even as far back as the 1908 games they were moaning - From the BBC link below "And the Americans lodged an average of one official protest a day, from the too-long running shorts to the ban on having coaches on the field. "

    Ohh regarding the link below to have you tried adding the former USSR medals to the total for Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus, the Unified team, etc. it might change the name at the top or it might not I haven't bothered working it out.

  11. Is there a medal given for most medals? I've never heard that.

  12. They have already started accusing the others of cheating. That's how the Americans take "defeats".  

  13. I think most Americans who actually LOOK at the rankings see that we are second in gold.  Not Canada, not Australia, not even the UK.  I think the rest of the world is making a big deal about the rankings.

    It's NBC doing the rankings, the same broadcast company showing the games.

  14. It should be no surprise to anyone that China will top the gold medal count.

    They are an emerging economic power and as such will be able to spend money on the promotion of their athletes where they previously did not have the resources.

    The world will have to get used to China being the top of the medal count for many Olympics to come

  15. As an American I don't understand this obsession with our interpretation of the medals - We are all well aware that China has the most golds....

    I'm happy for anyone who wins the Gold, we are watching the nations best of the best that prove daily on who deserves to be there in the first place...

    We weren't the only country questioning the age of the womens chinese gymnasts, Russia & Romania were right there with us... The questioning has solely been around the womens gymnastics in regards to the age and the judging & even a blind man could have seen that the beam judging of Cheng Fei was a pure gift of giving her the bronze - for sure Russia or Romania deserved the bronze.

    To prove your statement false - China has the most Golds, but we do have the most Medals -

    But if you want to know who has the most Gold medals overall since the Olympics of 1896 then click the link below...

  16. I am American, and I am ok with us not winning all the gold medals.  We don't need to be superior in all aspects of life.

    How do you know how Americans ranked anything before, and why do you really care?  Worry about your own country.  It sounds as if whatever country you live in may not be anywhere near the top so you need to concern yourself with the Americans.

  17. The following countries report the medal tally in the same way as IOC (International Olympics Committee) reports it.

    ABC Australia

    British Broadcasting Corp (BBC)

    Yahoo France

    Yahoo australia


    Olympics is the most watched sporting event in the history of mankind. So what others think matters? By others, I mean people outside USA.

    I dont get why American companies report stats on Olympics around the world in one way and then tell Americans it differently. Is american ego so big that folks will start to cry if they don't what they expect?

    Americans, here is the problem. You don't hear the world or listen to the world. If you are happy with what you think is right and that keeps you happy, by all means it be that way.

    I saw in a comment that the world is obsessed with Americans. Yeah that’s true. But don't be flattered its because of "tunnel vision" you have on items that hurt your ego.

    btw, I am not a big fan of china or what they do with their people and with other countries.

    Bottom line, china won it this time. the world agree. So, be a sport, stop making excuses and work to go back where were in the medal tally in the past. top.

  18. usa has more medals than china and they either came in 2nd or 3rd in events they didnt win which qualifies for a good ranking

  19. No I honestly don't think they would take it that badly. They have a lot to cheer about already. Plus they collectively have enough medals throughout history to not be surpassed for another 2 Olympics and they would have to be banned from them to not hold off others

  20. Get a life

    First of all that the way it always been done

    All countries are listed that way, the number of medals then the numer of gold

    If china and us has the same amount, then china will be listed first








    South Korea-26

    This looks good







    South Korea-26






    That just look dumb

    The total of medals are the total of medals

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