
Can An American Get An Optical Job in England?

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I want to move to back to England sometime down the road. I've spent nearly my whole life in American though. The only job I'm good at is the optical field. I know that countries have different standards, but I want to ask.

If I'm a...licensed optician, have a good few years of optical experience, & a graduate of an optician school, would that get me in ANYWHERE? Like a lab or just an optical shop? Or would I have to start from scratch?




  1. Sure, your credentials should get you some kind of job in the optical field in England.   Kind of depends on where you can find an opening and if they are receptive to your qualifications; chances are they will be.  You just have to see what's available.....might want to check to see that you will be hired before moving your entire life across The Pond.

  2. Are you an optometrist?

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