
Can Animals go to h**l?

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Some people believe animals go to Heaven do these same people believe they can go to h**l? Could my little kitten fluffy suffer eternal damnation because she stole food from me off my kitchen table?

Atheist don't bother answering, we know you don't believe in heaven/'h**l




  1. Sure they can. My girlfriend's cat is Satan himself...the most evil creature you could possibly imagine. I don't know that Fluffy will go to h**l for sneaking a little snack, but some animals deserve to go based on their evil nature. Cujo and Barney the dinosaur for example...they are sure to go to h**l.

  2. Of course not. Animals are innocent and free from sin.  Your kitten is safe from torture and damnation in the afterlife.

  3. Fluffy is indeed going to h**l.  There is no hope for a kitten who steals food from their owners off the kitchen table.  

  4. No, because animals don't "sin".  Anything that they do that can be labelled bad is purely instinctive.  They don't have the emotion/spiritual issues us humans have to go through!

  5. No, because pets don't have souls.... it's as simple as that.  

  6. In order to go to heaven you need to repent your sins and confess what you have done, since animals cannot talk they will all go to h**l according to your Christian beliefs. The same goes for mentally challenged people who cannot speak, priests are taught to tell anyone who asks that if a person is mentally challenged and cannot vocalize the sins they have commited then they are doomed and will go to h**l.  I know this because I have a friend with a mentally challenged sister, and they asked their priest if she would go to h**l because she cant talk and repent, the priest said yes.

  7. I don't believe they do.

    I equate animals to very young children. I'm sure some will read that and get angry about it, but I don't mean they are equal in EVERY way. ;P I think they are very innocent, and are unaware of how their actions affect the world. Which is why, even when a tiger mauls someone or a dog bites a child, I don't believe they'll go to h**l. They aren't aware of the pain they're causing, it's just their instinctual reaction. They don't have the capacity to consider their choices and weigh the consequences, whereas adult humans do. Which is why when a human kills someone, it's a far worse thing.

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