I went to the ER. And they said I sound like I have severe depression. Im a 24 year old, physically healthy male. I had the works in blood test and I even had a ct scan of my brain. My main symptoms are No appitite, loss of interest in my fav hobbies such as photography and playing call of duty with my friends on xbox 360. I cant remember things anymore. My concentration is very poor, i cant read because my concentration is so poor. Sometimes i just feel lost and I dont belong here. No one understands me, these feeling dont seem to be getting any better, if anything they may be getting worse. I have no s*x drive. I find my self zoneing out a lot. I just hate this memory and concentration thing. It makes me feel like im in a constant dream or intoxicated state. I dont feel dizzy, i just dont feel like me. Will this feeling ever end and will Anit Depresants help?