
Can Ants get sick? ?

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Well, just kinda out of curiosity, I was wondering if ants could get sick..




  1. i think ya coz all living organinisms die so they maybe getting ill too

  2. Well if you would consider a parasite a sickness then those things eff ants up

  3. any organisms can get sick and die

  4. I doubt they'd feel to good after ant poison to be honest.

    Seriously though, yes, they do get disease, like all other creatures. They also carry disease.

  5. well... with bug spray, yeah.

  6. Sure!  Actually there are parasitic diseases of ants which require that the ant DOESN'T die.  For example, Dicrocelium dendriticum needs the ant as an intermediate host, so it infects the brain of the ant, who loses control, climbs to the top of grass blades and tries to hold on long enough for a sheep to come by and eat it.  Is this for the ant's benefit?  No, it's for the parasite's, so it can be passed on to its next host, the sheep.  

    See?  You can even find mental illness in ants!

  7. Yes.  There are visible fungal diseases of ants.  You'll see an ant with mold threads growing on it, while the ant is still running around.  Yuck.

  8. Don't think so. They either live or die. Personally, it's best if they can just all become extinct because ants are gross.  

  9. yes, they can.  that's why ant poison works.
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