
Can Anxiety and Depression disease causes pins and needles symptoms?

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i suffer from pins and needles like being stung by insect and being prick by needles but after taking metycobal and neurobion also no improvement




  1. Sure it can!!  Anxiety and Depression can cause a multitude of physical symptoms.  Do you have any other disease processes along with the anxiety and depression?  For example, Diabetes, Kidney problems, Thyroid difficulties,  poor circulation, etc..

    If metycobal and neurobion haven't helped go back to the doctor and try something else.  Do you see a P-doc and a counselor?  If not, it would probably be a great idea for you to start.  Don't give up, there is something out there to help you!!  Keep going back to the doc until you have an answer.....

    Good Luck

    Momma P

  2. Hello-

    I also suffer from pins and needles. I recently started taking Paxil medication to calm down my nerves and anxiety. It seems to be working ok. However in the past I have taken medications that did not work for me and I continued to have pins and needs along with aches and pains throughout my body. Have you been taking your medication for a while? If you have and its not improving your health, see your doctor so that you can try a new medication. Sometimes it takes a few different medications until you find the right one that works with your body. Dont worry, you will find a medication that will take away the horrible feeling. Just dont ignore this and get to the doctor asap:)

    Feel better:)

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