
Can Any Astrologer Give Any Suggestions Or Solution To My Problem?

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Hi i m facing complete downfall in my personal life as well as in my career.I have lost my job as peope betrayed and told lies for me and blamed me for what i haven't done.And in my family life, my mom had some heart trouble which affected me drastically.Coud anyone tell me whats going on in my life.

My real name starts with word'M',

My date of birth is 15/6/1983 and

My place of birth is Hamirpur(Uttar Pradesh)

My time of birth is 23:53.

Is there any ASTROLOGER who could read my chart with the above information.




  1. Yours janam rasi Leo's lord,the Sun,is cojoined with Rahu and the lord of career the Mars in your case, is under combustion and hence is too weak.The lord of luck and prosperity,the Venus is posited in the 6th house ,a dusthana.

    As a remedial measures,you can wear a copper ring which will work for both viz.sun and mars,or if possible,you can wear 5 ratties of ruby(maneekya) and 8 ratties of coral(munga) to strengthen tthese planets.In addition you can wear a silver ring also for Venus.

  2. Dear friend every thing will be OK in sort time you will GATT job and do not worry about your life your factor will be good&ok but hear sum truble your mom be car ful and gat or

  3. Dear M you are passing through a Mahadasha of Venus and antrdasha of Ketu till 9/10/08. It effects the mind badly and person under the antradasha of Ketu continue to work with his/her heart and not by the mind. It is a difficult period for you please. But I think your condition will improve a lot after 9/10/08. The Mahadasha lord is also placed in sixth house in your janm kundli, which is also not good proposition. But your Mahadasha is going to change soon. One more thing, you are also passing through Sat.7 1/2. I suggest you to recite Gayatri Mantra after 9/10/08 and wear a ruby of 5 1/4 Ratti. It will help you a lord. Worship Mata Laxmi until then.

  4. i think your name is Mahesh.  what u have to do is stop trusting everybody that u see in ur life stay away people who u dont trust

    what i can at this point of time for u is listen to ur own one's, go away from who u got betrayed from and find a way to repair all the mistakes u have done before and [pray for lord SHIVA every monday if u can]  beware of ur  friends!

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